Chapter 17

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Levi was immediately greeted by the smell of cooking food. His mouth began to water. The low lighting gave a romantic atmosphere. Candles decorated every surface. Two entire walls were made up of windows with a view of the square. Levi drank it all in as they walked to the host.

"Good evening." The host said, smiling at them. "Your name?"

"Erwin Smith." Erwin said. The man checked his list.

"Yes sir. I have you down for two. And who is this accompanying you tonight?" The host glanced at Levi.

"Levi Ackerman." Erwin answered for him

"Splendid!" The host turned. "Mr. Smith, Mr. Ackerman, follow me." The man led them to a table off to the side on one of the raised platforms. It was a circular booth. Erwin slid in one side and Levi slid in the other.

"The waitress will be with you shortly." The host said before leaving.

"Okay Erwin." Levi said. "How the hell did you score this?"

"I have connections." Erwin said cryptically.

"Right." Levi said. The waitress came to their table.

"Good evening Mr. Smith, Mr. Ackerman." She said. "My name is Donna and I will be your waitress tonight." She handed them menus. "Could I start you off with something to drink tonight?" Levi let Erwin order some kind of expensive wine for them. He wasn't familiar with it. Donna left.

"Well if you're trying to impress me," Levi said. "I'm impressed."

Erwin chuckled. "Well that's a relief." He said. "Now tell me who got you that suit?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I said I bought it?" Levi joked and Erwin shook his head. "You're right. My uncle Kenny did."

"Either he loves you very much," Erwin said. "Or he is a very wealthy man."

"The later." Levi laughed. "He's Kenny Ackerman. He started the fashion brand The Interior."

Erwin's eyes went wide. "That's why I recognized your last name." He said.

"Yeah." Levi said. "He's kinda famous these days."

"Kinda?" Erwin exclaimed. "He's the world's leading fashion mongrel!"

"I know, I know." Levi said, grateful to see Donna coming back. She poured their glasses and left the bottle on the table. Erwin ordered a filet mignon medium rare and Levi ordered shrimp scampi. Not the fanciest dish, but it was Levi's favorite. Donna left.

"Okay." Erwin said. "I pretty much bore my soul to you. Now it's your turn to tell me a bit about yourself."

"What do you want me to say?" Levi asked.

"Anything really." Erwin said. "Start with your childhood?"

"Great." Levi sighed. "I guess I'll tell you. It's kinda bleak though."

"You don't have to." Erwin said.

"No, it's okay." Levi took a sip of the bitter wine. He actually really liked it. "So I was born in a small town. My dad left before my mom even knew she was pregnant. We struggled a lot in those days, jumping from abusive boyfriend to abusive boyfriend until my mom got cancer. She couldn't pay for the treatment and finally called her brother, Kenny. His career was already successful at that point and he took us in. She eventually died from it." Levi looked up. "See? Bleak."

"Yeah..." Erwin said. "How old were you when she died?"

"Eight. Same as you with your dad." Levi mumbled.

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