The Untold Story of Alice

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This is a fan fiction about Ed Sheeran. I don't own any of the characters or songs-except made up characters. These are experiences he's written or told or I had just thought happened. I have no clue what Alice looks like, so I'm guessing. No hate please. Hope you enjoy :)

I don't own any of the songs I use in this story! They are simply used to make a story out of things written by Ed Sheeran!



It's funny, when you least expect something it happens. Most surprises are fun and you want more. Like presents on your birthday. You get nothing you ask for, yet you're extinguished with happiness. Then there is surprises that are just God awful. Socks on Christmas, the worst. Or your friends decide to surprise you with a bed full of spiders, when you're deathly afraid. Scaring the shit out of you. This wasn't just any something though. Not good or bad. More like a surprise attack of events. The kind of thing thing that makes your heart skip a beat. Well when she walked by, my heart did more than that, way more. It basically leaped to the sky and did flips and tricks, making my tummy swirl with anxiousness. Four years ago, when this one lady strolled by me, my whole world changed, forever.

Then I go back and think about that day. Those memories we shared together. That day when she walked by everything really did change. It seemed like everything stopped. When I do look back at her, the way she stood- young, naive, and proud of herself. I remember how she carried herself, the way I wished I could. Soon I found out she made that possible.

Then you think somewhere in every childhood-when you're younger and stupider-there's someone we can't forget. Somewhere, where you feel much safer. Somewhere in every heart there's a way to come back. A way to escape from heart ache and pain, just from one glance from that one person. Someone once told me that before and I held onto it for the longest time.

That was her.

"Who's she?" I asked my friend, James, who was shoveling books from his locker. He sniffled, as he was sick.

As usual.

"Alice...she is way out of your league.."

"Thanks bud, that means a lot! " I scoffed.

"It's just she's like really hot. Not that you're're just not..." James tells me. I slam his locker shut on him, and he groans. I walk away, still in a slight daze. I stare at the mysterious girl called Alice. Thinking of away to make the blond girl fall for me. Yet she never would, ever. James was right, I am way out of her league.

I see her laughing along with her friends. She flips her hair from her shoulders carelessly. Making my breath hitch in the back of my throat. I walk by them, trying to ignore the beautiful blonde that I just fell in love with.

"Hi Ed, did you finish that song you wrote for the play yet?" Kimberly asked me. I turn to see Kim by the lockers, next to Alice.

I start to stutter, as my eye catches glimpses of Alice.

"Um, I-I'm almost done w-with it..." I say with a bad stutter, that I soon hope to drop again.

"Great!" Kim replied.

It's funny really. Kim's been trying to get with me since the second grade. I think the reason is because I'm way to easy to get. Also way to easy to drop. Yet, I've always said no. It's like a game we play. But we've remained friends. Not very close, like best friends, but friends.

I continue walking, until I reach my locker. It feels like I'm in a daze. Starting my daily routine, I put in my combination, grab my books. Still half asleep, I drag my body to turn around.

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now