A Year From Now-Fire Alarms

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(Yes, A Year From Now is a song. Yes, it is not one of Ed's. I think it goes perfectly though. Enjoy.)

Dear Alice, 

             You never reply to my letters. Either you didn't recieve them or you're just being stubborn and ignoring me. I don't care which one. I'm just going to keep writing and hope for the best. 

          Plus it seems like you are the only one who actually listens to me. Even though you are not replying, I have a gut feeling that you are reading. Plus you are the only person I know, that knows me better than myself. 

           It hurts me knowing I don't get to see you, hear your laugh, or even share a normal conversation with you. 

              Why must you be so difficult? Why can't we just go back to when we were growing up. It was so much easier when we were both so very naive. We love then we fight, then we love again; can we ever straighten things out? 

               I'm in the car now, sitting in front of my old house. My mum's probably wondering why I'm not getting out of the car. Probably thinking I have some hot date in here. I don't. Now, here and now, I don't even think I want one. I want you. 

                 The rain will not stop falling. The clouds just keep forming overhead and it's dark. That's all it's been doing lately; raining. I like the rain though, it seems soothing. Like you could just forget the whole day and sleep. I wish sleep was the case. I haven't been able to shut my eyes all week. I guess there is way to much on my mind. 

                  Now, all of today, the car will not keep from stalling. I try and try to drive and clear my mind, but of course the old clunker decides to crash. I have the pedal to the floor now, hoping pressing the gas tightly will help. Probably not. 

                   The rain is falling harder than before. I wonder if that is even possible. It seems to be that way. Be that as it may, I kind of wish it would just stop. Just so I can quickly run inside. Yet, I'm okay in the safety of my car. I like this kind of night. Writing letters to you.

                You've been calling a lot lately. Starting off as a simple chat, the progressing into some type of fight. A spat that will never seem to end. I wish it would Alice. I hate fighting; it's pointless, and a total waste of time.

                 What I do need to know is if you love me. Do you? Sometimes I am sure you do. Yet, other times it's like, Hell No, she doesn't love me. I still love you. 

                  Also, I really need to know is if you want me when you call. Do you really mean to call me when you do? I like when you call and I like the conversation at first, when you are in such a great mood. Yet, there is always that time of the night when everything fades away and we start screaming at each other. Then the next night you call again. 

                 We were young and we were foolish. School books in our arms; dodging homework, dodging classes. It seemed like we never did schoolwork. We were always together; you and I. Classes seemed to slip away quicker, only because you were there. I liked that feeling. 

                   We are waving our lives away Alice. We need to figure things out quick. I would not mind spending my life with you; just not like this. I actually want you to mean what you say when you say you love me. We are waving our golden years away. That is why I need to know; is if you love me, and if you really need me when you call. 

                  It feels like I'm sitting on a mountain waiting for you. It seems to be that I'm always waiting for you to show. You had told me once that you were sitting and counting the days I had gone, is that true? Do you remember that? Probably not, since you seem to have a gold fishes memory. 

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now