Wake Me Up

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I smacked right into Adam. I backed away quickly, trying to avoid his glare. This was awkward as it is. What was he thinking? If I were him, I would have already kicked my ass. 

"Dude, you are so lucky my parents are heavy sleepers..." Adam chuckles. My face heating up even more.

"W-why?" I ask, trying to sound casual.

"Cause when y'all were shacking it up, you were super loud, and people in this house were trying to sleep." Adam says.

Damn, I tried to muffle her screams by kissing her. It didn't help obviously. Oh come on! That's a whole different erotic tale though, so I won't get into any details. Yet, it was amazing on so many levels. Okay, moving on. 

"Oh no, w-we didn't-" I stutter but he cuts me off.

"Save it. I may be younger than you guys but I'm not stupid and naive. I could hear you and Alice loud and clear."

"Sorry." I mutter. Trying to avoid his gaze. Why is he being so chill with this? 

I walked to the kitchen, deciding to make some tea. Just relieved Alice's parents weren't here. Her father gone at work, and her mother out somewhere.

Usually I wasn't worried of exposing myself. Alice's parents wouldn't know I spent the night. Hopefully.

I walked to the kitchen slowly. Trying to not be rude, but at the same time trying not to talk to Adam.

"It's not my business though. You've been dating for almost a year. Right? Hopefully you used protection..." Adam says, following me. It's funny how he's acting like my parent. "Of course y'all used protection, you don't want to be stuck with a seventeen year old, pregnant girlfriend, right?" 

"Right," I say. 

"It's none of my business and it's weird for me saying this. I'm younger than you guys anyway, but I just look out for Alice." Adam says and I agree, avoiding his obvious looks of awkwardness. "She's one of my best friends. Even though she gets on my last nerve." 

"Oh, yeah, I get it. I would be the same way." I say. "If I had a sister."

I about died! Right there, on the floor. Protection? I smiled a fake, cheeky grin. Then excused myself, turning and basically sprinting upstairs. I was panicking a little, as I rushed to Alice. I jumped onto the bed, Alice's head shot up, then realizing its me, she laid back down.

"Alice, babe wake up..." I gently nudge her and she groans.

"Edward, I am exhausted, please..." Alice's voice was raspy and made me instantly turned on. I didn't say anything though and ignored the feeling. Pushing her to wake up more. 

"Hon, we have to talk..." I say.

She sits up, and stares at me, like I was some evil guy for waking her up. Alice's hair was wild and it was true, she did look really tired. Her eyes looked hollow and I couldn't help but manage a small smile. 

"So I just saw Adam in the hall..." I start off slowly. I really don't want to say, 'Hey you could be pregnant!' Especially right when she just woke up. It's just not the right way to break it to her.

"Okay...why is this important?" Her voice is sassy and feminine.

"So he knows we did "it" and all..." I emphasis it, not wanting to actually say the word. It just didn't seem right coming out of my mouth. 

Alice rolls her eyes and shrugs. Like she doesn't care her brother knows that she isn't a virgin anymore. This whole, entire thing was rubbish and out of normalcy. For me at least. 

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now