Kiss Me Like You Wanna' Be Loved

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Alice stands up abruptly. I follow her actions and face her. She looked frustrated and tired. Her hand found her temple and she rubbed it. I tried to explain, but she put her hand up to stop me. I knew I was in for it this time. Yet, not even scared of the screaming.

"You do get that I'm going to be known as a complete slut, right?" Alice says to me. Her voice was shaky, and I knew she was trying her hardest to remain calm.

"No you won't, everything will be-" she cuts me off and I roll my eyes.

"No!" She yells. "No Ed, everything won't be fine. When guys fuck girls they get praised. It's different for chicks."

I try to think of something to respond with. My mind was strangely blank. What did she want me to say? I know she probably wanted me out of here. I knew I wanted to be out of here. This is exhausting.

"Well, we're that makes it better." I say, making Alice tense up more.

Her face grew even sterner. She finally said, "Yeah, being engaged at sixteen doesn't make me look even worse!"

Yet again I did not know how to respond. I loved this lady, and she just didn't get it. Alice didn't process it that being engaged does make everything better. It shows the people calling her a whore that we're are actually settling down together. Starting a family, and everything.

The door opened slowly, and in came Adam. He had a smile on his face, which quickly faded. His eyes zoomed from me to Alice and back. Then they drifted over to the table, where the drugs laid.

"Alice, what are you doing?" He asked.

Alice grabbed the air freshener and sprayed it all around her. I faked a cough, and her dark green eyes darted towards me. I smiled gently, but she just scowled. Relieving my face of the smirk I had.

"Is that pot?" Adam asked, and Alice gasped.

"How in the world would you know what that is!?" Alice asked, quite shocked.

Adam scoffed, "I'm not a child..."

I didn't know what to say. It was generally awkward. Just getting a stare down from both of them.

"You're pregnant, too." He yelled at her, and anger rising in the air.

Adam grabbed the contents of the living room table, and shuffled to the kitchen. Alice looked at me like everything was so unfair.

"This is all your fault!" She screamed at me.

"How is it my fault!?" I asked, completely astonished she said that.

"You let me go through with this! Now my brother thinks I'm a fucking pot head!" Alice shouts at me, throwing the Febreze in my direction. I dodge it and grin at her. Smooth.

Alice ran into the kitchen. She jumps on Adam's back, trying to make him fall. Yet, he withstands her, and continues what he was doing before. I slowly enter the room to see Adam washing the weed down the drain. Wetting it all so it wouldn't be useful.

"Stop it Adam! That shit was twenty pounds!" She yelled, trying once again to drag him down, but he would not budge.

I dashed over to them, and pulled Alice off. She kicked and screamed curses at me, but it had to be done. I sat her down nicely on the couch.

When she finally calmed I asked her, "It wasn't free?"

Alice then replied, "Of course not!"

"You liar!" I accused.

"Of course I'm going to tell you it was free! You're so naive sometimes." Alice laughed to herself.

"You let her smoke it too! Just great!" Adam yelled at me, rolling his eyes.

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now