Our Song

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I have no worries in my mind. Alice was fine with me going out last night, and she didn't even ask whom with. I wouldn't mind telling her I was with Lana Del Rey, like c'mon it's cool. I would explain how funny she was. Yet, she isn't the type of person I would date.

Alice slurped on her milk shake. We had stopped in the drive through to get something to eat. She had her feet up on the seat, her knees bent. I rolled down the window and stuck my hand out. The radio was turned up loudly and it was great out. The sun shining perfectly.

"Woo!" Alice screamed, raising her hand like John Bender from The Breakfast Club at the end of the movie. I laughed and just took in the day.

I sang along to the song, Alice trying to but failing. We stopped at the red light, I rested my hand on her knee, and looked over. She had a chocolate grin, like a kid.

We were on our way to the store. School was starting back up in less than three weeks. Alice made me come shopping with her, I was made. Wink Wink. Just kidding, I wanted to come. I think it is fun shopping with her.

Alice had made a list the morning of, when I had picked her up. Random school supplies filled the paper. I laughed. She did not need have the crap she had listed. This was the last year of high school, then she is done.

We park and head into the first stop. Alice grabs a cart and pushes it forward. I follow behind her. She drops things in as we go. Pencils, notebooks, pens, highlighters, and way more. I grab some paper for myself and then we're on our way.

She tried on some bracelets and kept them on. Alice continued to try on necklaces and other jewelry. Her arms full of rubber and beads. I laugh and roll my eyes. She gave me a look then decided whether or not to smile.

"I want them." She says, point made.

I end up purchasing them for her. Using up all the emergency money I had in my wallet. Just in case we ran out of gas or what not. I guess we'll be stuck if we do.

Alice grabs the bags, them filling up her arms as much as the bracelets were. She kept them on of course, only putting down the necklaces. She let the cashier ring them up one by one, up her arm, inching her way up with the scanner. Alice giggled and I felt embarrassed.

The cashier, Justine...which it said on her name tag, did not seem to happy about it. It seemed like Justine hasn't smiled in years. The wrinkles filling her forehead and she frowns.

"If you smile, you would feel better." Alice said in a cocky way.

I would not be talking Alice, I thought. The cashier rolled her eyes and huffed.

We finally made it through the doors in a hurry, out alive. Alice was laughing hard, and I smiled too. I guess you just have to take life like her. With a joke.

After the purchases of clothes and supplies we make it outside. Alice has bags hanging from her arms and she has a smile on her face. I laugh and we get into the car. She buckles up and I smile again.

Summer is in the air. Heaven in her eyes. Wind blows through her hair and she seems happier. I sing along to the radio and laugh at the jokes she tells. The sun shines through. I breath in the smell of gas and the engine running. It was nice to finally get out of the house and enjoy the air. Even though summer was nearly over. I wasn't so sad to see it go.

"Get everything you needed for school?" I ask and she shrugs.

"It will do." I smile and push her away jokingly.


Alice's face was flushed with happiness. We headed over to my house, leading the stairway with kisses on our lips. Her shorts already being unbuttoned as we reached my doorway. I had no clue why I was tearing off my shirt or why she was undressing. We had just shared innocent kisses, naive teens. That was it, I thought.

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now