Small Bump

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-This was a hard chapter to write. I'm sorry if I use most of the lyrics to write it, I've never been through this, so It is extremely difficult to write out. Please try your hardest to enjoy-

Alice and I drove home yesterday morning. We got back mid afternoon which was great. It was fun, even though we had decided to leave a bit early. The entire ride home we talked about how we need to start planning for this baby. How we need to become better parents.

We've barely talked about our fight. I thought it was just stupid to open that can of worms. So we dropped it. That was probably only going make it worse.

The only conversation we actually shared about the baby was the her(as Alice would say) kicking. 

"Has he kicked lately?" I ask. 

"She! And no, she hasn't! Only seems she kicks when you're in the bed with me," Alice says and I laugh. 

I press my hand on her tummy. The baby is probably refusing to move. It stays still and doesn't move. Alice shakes her head and tries to rub her baby bump too. 

"I have no clue why she won't move..." 

"It's fine baby. She's or he is probably just sleeping!"


The moment we walked into Alice's house, she was already running upstairs and calling the doctors. She had scheduled an appointment for mid next week.

You could tell she was excited by just looking at her. She was dancing around her room and had a smile that looked like it would never end. It made me ecstatic to see her like this.

Alice had this huge premonition that the baby was a girl. She had this huge story to tell too. So the very next day Alice and I hit the stores.

She picked out everything from tiny bows, to little dresses.

"How about this?" She asked. Pointing to a pink crib with lace around it. I nodded, not exactly paying attention. We ended up buying it along with everything else.

She wanted to paint the nursery right away too. So after the doctors appointment I promised we would go pick out the paint. Which she wanted pink.


It was the night before the appointment and I was actually really excited. Alice and I laid on her bed, just waiting for that alarm to ring the next morning. Her legs were entangled in mine, and my arms held her all night long. She was breathing rapidly, like she was having a bad dream, or at least a wicked one. I tried to hold her tighter, just so she'll calm down.

In the morning I wake up just in time. We are left with only twenty minutes to get ready and get there in time. Alice jumps out of bed and runs for the bathroom. I hurriedly dress in my blue jeans, a blue sweatshirt, and my Nikes. About five minutes later Alice comes in all ready. I'm shocked, because usually it takes her three hours to get ready. She is wearing a bulky, tan sweater with sweats, and her hair pulled back into a bun. Just enough so you couldn't exactly see the pink very much.

"You look pretty." I say, as we get in the car. She just rolls her eyes with a smile.

We Make it to the appointment just in time. Alice gets that clear jell on her tummy as she hold my hand. She can't stop smiling, which makes me grin.

"Alright, we are just going to do a couple of tests. Ed, do you mind sitting out in the waiting room for a little bit?" He asks.


I was told to sit in the waiting room as the tests were going on. I sat in the first chair, right next to the room. I had my arms rested on my knees. I knew this would probably take awhile.

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin