Little Lady

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Alice's POV

When I do get back home, it's late. And I mean very late. Morning. I take yet another hot shower. The steam fills the room and I try to drown. I feel like I'm drowning half of the time. Like no matter how much I swim, I cannot stay afloat. 

I pull another fresh night gown over me. I shiver. It was too cold.  I wrap the blankets around me and try to sleep. 

The door creaked open and the lights flickered on. I waited for his voice before I uncovered my head. I knew he was messed up. 

"Alice," he slurred. "Wake up, babe." I open my eyes to find my uncle climbing in bed. He had everything off, except his boxers. The light was off now, but I could see his shadow. I groaned. 

“No. I’m not going back out. I’m sleeping.” I tell him.

His cold fingertips drag across my side, “No. You don’t have to go out right now.”

“Why are you in here?” I ask.

“I want you to continue working for me.” He murmurs. His lips pressing against my ear lobe. “You are a gem and I need you.”

“Alex, I can’t anymore. I just want it to go back to normal… I’m not this type of girl.”

“But you are.” His lips don’t stop as they line my jaw.

"What are you doing?" I whisper. Alex moves closer to me and nuzzles his forehead to mine. I pull away. No. Alex pushes a strand of hair away from my eyes platonically and I push him away quickly. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me on top of him. I struggle trying to pry his fingers off of me. 

"Kiss me." he says as his fingertips move to my panties. I slap his hand away, but it doesn't work. I try to get away from his grip, but he steadies me. 

"Gross, you're my uncle." I say, trying to get common sense into his brain by trying to push myself off of him, "That is incest, if you couldn't already tell." 

“Oh. It’s not incest.”

“Yes. It is.” I slap his chest. Trying to push him away from me. “Let go of me!”

He was high again. His eyes clouded and his movements slow.

He laughs.  I close my eyes and try to find the energy to fight. To make him let me go. I can't though. "C'mon little lady, relax." He says and I start to cry and he rolls me over and starts pushing his hand up my gown. 

"No! Stop!" I cry, but it doesn't work. He ends up winning, again. He has his way with me, then gives me a wet kiss on the cheek, telling me I was good. He laughs to himself as he climbs off the bed. I lay there, staring at the ceiling. I wish to be somewhere else, anywhere else. Silent tears drip from my wide open eyes. I didn't sleep at all. I prayed for my sins. Begging for forgiveness. 

“I hope you stick with me, Alice!” he calls.

It's morning now, and I think of last night. My jaw aches and I rub it, but that doesn't help. My legs hurt and I remember the guy from last night, slapping me hard. He went crazy. I don't even want to think of the other thing. The word "rape" sums up events that did take place.


I was raped.

I push it away. It couldn’t have been. It was just a bad dream. I was just dreaming. I had to have been. Tears prickled at my eyes thinking about it.

I drag myself out of bed and open the door. He's crashed on the couch, his blond hair all messy. I shake my head, holding back the tears, and go into the bathroom. I check my face in the mirror and see my cheek is black and blue. I rub it and I start to cry. No one is going to pass that by. I sob into the sink, trying to be quiet about my actions. I close the door and splash cold water on my face. 

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now