Little Bird

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Not letting Clara see me cry was the whole point. Maybe pushing myself to move on and to just walk away was a good thing. I knew it was. I didn’t have to deal with that negativity anymore. It's what brought me to Alice's side today.

I usually don’t cry. I mean, I'm not heartless in any way. I just don't cry over such meaningless things that mean absolutely nothing. It’s just we were together for a while – six months. While, to others, that may not seem like a lot, she was this girl who finally made me somebody.

I wasn’t just this ginger kid who stuttered. I was Ed fucking Sheeran who finally had a hot girlfriend.

You see, my dad is strong. Basically he taught me how not to cry. Okay, he didn't teach me, but he doesn't cry. So, why would I want to? 

The only time I've ever seen my father cry was after my aunt Carrie died. That was his younger, more passionate sister. Maybe it was because that was his own sister. Or just because that was blood. I would've cried too, but I was too young to know what was going on. And seeing my father like that really tore something in me.

I focused on other topics. Like Alice. Plus the fact she was huddled over a tiny, little bird. The thing looked almost dead and most likely had a broken wing. She was crying and again, I didn’t see the point. Crying over a bird you can’t help? It made no sense.

"What's the problem, darling?" I ask her with a faint smile. You have no chance with her, I tell myself. She’s beautiful. More beautiful than Clara.

Alice ignored the fact I called her darling. She wipes her eyes, and looks at me intently. Her intense green eyes jarring into mine. Making shivers run through my spine.

"The poor little bird fell from its nest," she sniffled and wiped her red rimmed eyes again. "Help me save it..."

"Well, you are in luck. I have a bit of skill with my hands..." I say. It makes her smile and that’s exactly what I’m going for.

I'm actually not so good with blood. Whether it’s human or animals. The whole doctor crap isn't really my strong suit. But when you’re faced with the kind of eyes she has and she lays all her faith in you, you do what you can. Whether or not you know what you’re actually doing. You do it for her.

"The damage isn't that bad," I say, my hands shaking badly. I sighed. "Just a broken leg."

"We could take it in and nurse it." She says, then stops suddenly. "Ed are you okay? You look faint."

She said my name – she knows my name – and somehow, that makes me even queasier.

With my brow furrowed sweat started to form on my forehead. She presses her hand against my hand then shakes her head. I loved the feel of her against me. The way her eyebrows went up and the corner of her lips turned down once she felt.

"Stay right here..." She tells me.

Alice goes inside the house we were in front of. A moment later she came back with a bird cage and a bottle of water.

"For you kind sir..." Alice hands me the water and I unscrew the cap. Taking a sip, I ask her where she got the bird cage. "I used to have a pet parakeet. I just have weaknesses for them." Alice explains the random birdcage. I just nod and smile. She puts the helpless bird in the cage, then turns to me. “I want to be a vet.”

“That’s nice.”

"Come inside for a little, you don't look so well. Lie down for a bit." She tells me. Absolutely willing, I do as told, my heart fluttering along the way. She led me to her room as my eyes darted all over her house. Family pictures lining the walls of the hallway.

The Untold Story of Alice // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now