Chapter 2: The Jungle of Crushes

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Some people are still tangling in the classroom. Wouldn't you know it? I'm not late for once. I sit at an open spot. I open my textbook, because why not?

"Oh, what? Ah, geez. Am I late again? My luck is just the worst, ain't it?" Nagito walks in the classroom.

"Get off your highhorse! You're late again!" Taka shouts.

"I'm a worthless human being, anyway," Nagito sits down.

He chooses to sit next to me. Why? I don't know, but he did. Nagito Komaeda is quite the mystery. He is by far, the strangest person in the entire school.

Geez. I can smell him from here. His hair is greasy, his teeth are yellow, and he half-assses his attire everyday.

"Okay, class, listen up. Today we will be watching a video on the Amazon rainforest. Take notes on the plants, animals, or the people who observe there for a living. There'll be a quiz afterward," Mr. Togi, the teacher, shared with us.

"Mhm, the animals of the Amazon are a thing of awesomeness, but every animal pales in comparison to my Four Dark Devas of Destruction! Maga-Z, Jum-P, Cham-P, San-D!" Gundham chants.

"Your hamsters are so cute!" Sonia gazes at his hamsters.

"Cute, huh? Mhm... thank you," Gundham covers his face with his scarf.

Mr. Togi turns the lights off. He plays the VHS tape of the Amazon. The video began with an introduction of what the Amazon rainforest is.

I, however, could care less about this. In the dark, I do my best to navigate my vision. There she is, sitting across from my desk in the classroom, Kyoko Kirigiri. She is writing down notes in her notebook.

Instead of taking down the notes in my notebook, I draw pictures of Kyoko the best I could. Good thing the teacher's lamp was enough light source for me to finish drawing.

These drawings are perfect. I will keep these.

"My little ray of hope, what are you doing?" Nagito wonders.

"Something that does not concern you," I retaliate.

"Ah, darn it. Gotta sharpen my pencil," Kiyo blurted.

He goes up to the pencil sharpener. The sound of the electronic pencil sharper is distracting me. How long is he gonna keep this up?

"Perfect," Kiyo goes back to his spot.

I am curious about this, because of how long it took him to sharpen his pencil. I took a glance at him. Wow. His pencil is really sharp. The tip looks bigger than all my fingers. How can he write like that? Whatever floats his boat, I guess.

I look at Kyoko now. She noticed me, but at that moment, I looked down so she couldn't catch me staring at her.

Her eyes focus on the video. I guess I should pay attention, too. About ten minutes later, the lights came back on.

"Oh, that's bright," Yasuhiro coughed.

"Okay, time to start the quiz. Sonia, put the phone away," Mr. Togi reminds her.

She puts her phone away. He hands the quiz out. It's a typical short answer, multiple choice quiz. It is only one page, ten questions long.

"Who needs knowledge when you got magic?" Himiko pulls a white rabbit out of her hat.

The rabbit is in a cage. Gundham notices and stands up.

"You treacherous fiend! You free that precious creature from its prison, or I will break down your walls of Jericho!" Gundham hisses at Himiko.

"Fine, whatever," she gives the rabbit to Gundham.

"How cruel," Sonia stands next to Gundham.

"You mere human. You are not equipped to take care of such a delicate creature. There, there, little bun bun. It's okay," Gundham talks to the rabbit.

"Well, Mr. Tanaka, can we start the quiz please?" Mr. Togi speaks.

"Right, sorry," he sits down.

Sonia sits down, too. With that, the quiz is in session. It is easy as easy can be. If you know about the Amazon, then you'd ace that quiz.

The bell rings. Hey, class has ended.

"All right, class, you can head on out. Except you, Kazuichi Soda. I'd like to talk to you," Mr. Togi stops Kazuichi from leaving.

I gotta hear what this is about. I stand just outside the room, so I can listen in.

"Mr. Soda, you got an F on your quiz."

"What, Mr. Togi? How is that possible? I thought I did alright," Kazuichi defends himself.

"Well, for one... all your answers are 'Miss Sonia'," Mr. Togi reviews.

"Hehe, right. Well, I'll do better next time. I promise," he promises Mr. Togi.

I've heard enough. I may like Kyoko, but I don't write her name as my answers. On a quiz, nonetheless. I venture into the cafeteria for the high school's lunch hour.

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