Chapter 37: The Target is Love

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Makoto's point of view

The ship brushes itself against a peer. Kyoko and I drag our luggage off the cruise ship. There was only supposed to be about a couple weeks of our cruise left, and now there is a problem? This is fantastic.

We take an Uber to the nearest airport. No, I did not stop at the airport bar this time. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Kyoko wouldn't let me.

Now it is time to sit and wait for our flight back to Japan. The only flight this airport offers to Japan is to Tokyo. That's fine, though. Toyoko is only thirty minutes north of Towa City, so we will take a cab back to the city.

"これは信じられない (Kore wa shinjirarenai (This is unbelievable)," I voice in native tone to Kyoko.

"I know, but stressing about it will only make it worse," she said.

"How can I not stress, when the whole city is probably in ruins? Besides, what if something happened to Komaru?" I am concerned.

"I worry about that, too. However, you know as well I do that you cannot lose hope. We will handle the situations when we return," Kyoko tries to remain as professional as possible.

This is one big mess. Not only are the Remnants out loose, but my sister could be in danger. This is just great... whoever let them out will surely pay. I knew I should've not had access to them that easily.

Fuyuhiko's point of view

"There, all clean," I finish cleaning up the blood splatter.

So these two imposters tried to be me and Peko. That makes me laugh. However, there was something awfully strange about them. Hirokyo comes back inside from burrying the bodies.

"It is done," she nods.

"Good," I state.

She sits on my couch, rests her feets on the coffee table, then, proceeds to light a cigarette. I sit down in my chair and pull the recliner.

"Young Master, he's awake," Peko lets me know.

"Excellent. Bring him in," I command.

Peko brings Teruteru into the living room. We knocked him out with a very specific toxin that knocked him out for days. I won't get into details just yet, but let's just say he isn't the same anymore.

"What's going on?" He questions his sense of reality.

"Nothing, but you're free to go. Do not stay here, and don't get yourself killed," I point my cigarette to the door.

"Oh... uh... okay," the lardo lets himself out.

"This is grand! I don't know how the Remnants got out, but it just makes the fun a lot more... well, FUN!" Kokichi laughs.

"Dumbass, try to keep your voice down," Natsumi bosses Kokichi.

"Yes, girl, I hear and I obey. But hey, I think my work is done here! I've had my fulfillment of fun to last awhile. Pleasure doing business with you! I might come back later!" Kokichi leaves.

"Well, I'm going to my room," Natsumi begins to go upstairs.

"I think I will accompany you," Peko goes to Natsumi into her room.

And then there were two. The only ones left in this room are me and Hirokyo Takahashi. I take the remote and put on the BET channel. Hirokyo tries to smoke the cigarette, but starts coughing.

"You're doing it wrong. Here, try to inhale. If you fully breathe into the stick, it'll reach further than your lungs," I give her advice.

"Thanks. Who was that tub of lard who left, by the way?" She asks.

"Oh, just some loser. Don't worry about him. He means nothing to you or us," I share.

She continues to smoke. She is improving.

"There you go. You're getting the hang of it. But please, slow down. When you let the smoke out, don't go too fast. Hey, try these. These are better than cigarettes," I toss some hash over to her.

"Go on. Give 'em a try. Freshly prepared them myself this morning," I brag.

She begins to smoke the drugs. I think she is starting to like it.

"Not that bad," she acknowledges.

I smoke some as well. When my life is a mess, this hits the spot. Feels refreshing, too at that.

"Hey, listen, I found these in the basement," Hirokyo shows me some condoms.

"Oh, well... those um... those are specific activities," I mention.

"What kind of activities?" She wants to know.

"Hopefully you will find out soon enough," I chuckle.

"I don't know what was so funny, but okay," she places the condoms down.

"Also..." she leads in.

"Go ahead," I approve for her to continue.

"Are you with Peko... like 'with-her-with-her'?" Hirokyo asks.

"Uh... why do you ask?" I give a suspicious look.

She stays silent. Okay, I guess I got to explain.

"The truth is, no. Peko and I are not in a relationship. Sure we've known each other our entire lives, but we are not dating or married. She used to work for my family business, but we moved. We have been simply just mere friends ever since," I explain the deal between Pekoyama and I.

"So friends, aye? Huh... I wish I knew that feeling, but I'm a killer. Who could be my friend?" She looks down.

"Well... you've been so nice to me, Master and taking care of me for as long as I can remember, and it's just... I don't know," she looks back up.

"Dammit... never thought it'd come to this, however, it has. Because you are an assassin, doesn't mean you can't have friends. I mean, I've been treating you like one, because you are one to me," I sit on the couch next to her.

"That's sweet, Master. Although you say you are my friend, I feel more of an attachment to you," she confesses.

"This is what is called being in love. Wait, did you ask if me and Peko are together, because you're in love with me?" I am shook.

"Well, yes... that is exactly why, Master. I am... in love with you," Hirokyo admits.

"Isn't that something? If that's the case, well, I am in love with you, too," I share the same feelings.

"Now you can see the 'activities' these are for," I wave the condom around.

"Very well, Master," she nods.

We start making out first. Her lips against mine feels so good. It honestly feels like a dream come true.

"By the way, the name's Fuyuhiko," I whisper in her ear.

"Very well... Fuyuhiko."

I take her up to my bedroom and the inevitable occured. Her and I had a great time. It's something, isn't it? She was once a servant, now she's my lover. Makoto's gonna love this.

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