Chapter 18: Outclassed

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Kaito's point of view

And so, the training will begin. I am an astronaut; therefore, I need to train to get better. I did not want to train alone; hence, why Shuichi works out with me. Now Maki Roll will start training with us, how awesome it is.

It's summer, but Shuichi and I meet her on the school's football feild, known as "soccer" to Americans. Maki looks nice. She has her hair tied back, and wearing her red shirt with a black skirt. Shuichi is in his typical all black attire.

"Okay, let's start with some basic stretches to get the body going," I announce.

"Take your arms out, and flow them around in circles," I instruct.

"That was not bad at all," Shuichi said.

We do a few more small and quick stretches. After our warmups, the main exercise commences. I get down on my hands and knees. Maki and Shuichi do as well.

"All right, ladies and gents, we'll be doing one hundred pushups. I did five hundred pushups before I came here. Let's see what you got," I let them know.

"I don't know if my arms will let me, but I'll try. I'm only used to the fifty. Why the sudden change?" Shuichi asks.

"Since we have been training for awhile, we can turn it up a notch. Maki, because this is your first time, I will take it easy on you," I play by the rules.

"93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100..." Maki is already doing pushups.

"Woah, that fast? I'm not even at fifty yet," I pant for breath.

"Holy cow, Maki! You already finished?!" Shuichi gasps.

Me and Shuichi finish our pushups. I cannot believe what I just witnessed. Maki did the pushups, had a drink of water, and had time to scroll through her phone, while waiting for us to get done. Losing to a girl: most certainly not one of my brightest moments.

"Meh, I was raised to train all throughout my childhood. Doing one hundred pushups is nothing to me," Maki brushes off some grass on her skirt.

"Well, geez, Shuichi, we know who we have to watch for," I rub the back of my neck.

"You'd be surprised of how fast you get used to it. On another note, Kaito, you didn't even do one hundred. You only did thirty. I counted, you idiot," Maki exposes me.

Ah, so not only Shuichi counts how many pushups I do; Maki does, too? Well, isn't that just jolly?

"Why would the Ultimate Child Caregiver need to be trained everyday?" Shuichi seems suspicious.

"Mhm... we'll continue this tomorrow. Meet at the same time. As a matter of fact, I'll pick the workout next time. Goodbye," Maki faces the other direction.

"Maki, wait," Shuichi tries to get Maki's attention.

Despite Shuichi's efforts, it was too late. Maki completely ignored Shuichi, or did not hear him. Either way, he should not be so worked up about it.

"Keep your head up, Shuichi. She's a woman, y'know? They're always in a rush to leave and take charge of us men," I take a sip of water.

"Yeah, right, sorry, Kaito," Shuichi looks up.

Maki Roll said she'd train with us again tomorrow; how splendid indeed. Suddenly, I felt something hit me.

"Ow, my neck," I turn around.

Of course... Leon Kuwata threw a baseball at me. I step out of the way, and throw the ball back to him.

"Get out of the way, you idiot. Trying to throw the ball around here," Leon barks.

"Uh, yeah, sorry! C'mon, Shuichi," I nudge him out of the field. 

"Yes, sir," Shuichi ventures out with me.

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