Chapter 32: The Tutor

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Kiyotaka's point of view

"Hey, you, Ishimaru," Mr. Kirigiri calls out.

"Sir," I greet him.

"I need you to do me a favor," he informs me.

"What is it, sir?" I ask.

"You know Miss Enoshima got a 0% on the Japan Testing, right? Well, everyday during first and third hours, we need you to be in the library to be her tutor. Get her back on the right track," he orders.

"Sir, as much as I'd like to fulfill your request, I cannot," I admit.

"She is the Ultimate Despair, sir. I don't wanna die, sir. Not only that, but Science and History are my favorite classes. I don't wanna miss them, sir," I add.

"We'll still allow you to work on them. Besides, you are the Ultimate Moral Compass. There is nothing you can't handle. Also, she doesn't act like the Ultimate Despair anymore. You'll be fine. You will get extra credit to graduate early," he convinces me.

"You got a fair point, sir. Fine. I'll do it, sir," I salute.

"Good. She is waiting for you in the library," he said.

Since Mr. Naegi is on holiday at the moment, Mr. Kirigiri is the acting principal for the time being. When Mr. Naegi is here, he and Mr. Kirigiri are co-principals of Hope's Peak High School.

I go to the library to meet Junko Enoshima. There she is; she is sitting there, playing with pencils. I take a seat next to her. I will not lie, though, I am nervous. Working with the Ultimate Despair is not what I'd rather be doing, but I am the Ultimate Moral Compass! I got this!

"Oh, you," she says.

"It is I indeed, ma'am. Kiyotaka Ishimaru at your service, ma'am. I was told to be your tutor, ma'am. We will be here every first hour, as well as third hour, ma'am," I salute her.

"Oh... well, if you say so," she looks down at a paper.

"Since it is first hour, I'm thinking we can start with Science, ma'am. We are on the Space Unit, ma'am. What have you got so far, ma'am?" I want to see her progress.

All what she has is a drawing of a burning building. Oh, geez... this is a work in progress. I get out my book and start helping her.

"Can you read page 218, ma'am?" I request.

"Ou... our... solar system con... con.. sist... of... eight-"

"You know what, I'll start, ma'am," I state.

"Our solar consist of eight planets. Nine, counting Pluto, however, it is a dwarf planet. Dwarf planets are not considered a main planet in solar systems. Nonetheless, the sun is the beginning of our solar system. The sun is the largest star in space. The planets in our solar system rotate around the sun. Those planets inculde Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Our planet, Earth, is about 91,753,000 miles or 150,000,000 kilometers away from the sun. The moon is apart of our solar system, too. The moon is approximently 238,855 miles or 384,400 kilometers away from Earth," I read.

"You get that, ma'am?" I follow up.

"Can you say that again?" She said.

"Yeah, of course, ma'am," I agree.

I re-read the paragraph, in hopes she'll understand what I just read twice. After I read, she tried reading. That didn't work right now, but hopefully over time she will fully understand.

I read her a few more more pages in the chapter. I also helped her answer a few questions on her review sheet. Believe it or not, she did not know how to write either. The heck did Future Foundation do to her?

I had to teach her how to write her name. After we worked on Science, she gave me her worksheet. I will hand it in to Miss Baichi for her. Miss Baichi is the high school science teacher. I will see Junko again third hour.

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