Chapter 33: The Resurrection of Komaru Naegi

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Fuyuhiko's point of view

Another school day came and went. Throughout the day, Kokichi and I were thinking of ways to capture Komaru Naegi. It just so happens that Makoto and Kyoko are out on a cruise, so that helps. I meet Kokichi outside.

"I know of a way to get Komaru to us," he shares.

"Oh, yeah?" I ask.

"Hey, guys, I'm ready to get going," Teruteru approaches us.

"So Komaru is having a party at your place? Neato. I will prepare a very special dish, then," he chuckles.

Ah, okay. So, Kokichi lied to Teruteru. Makes sense, but I wonder what else he has in mind.

"Okay, lets all get in the car," Peko said.

We all get in and I bring us to my place. I use the security sensor to get in. Natsumi goes to her room instantly. Teruteru starts examining my house.

"Nice place you got here," Teruteru looks around.

"Watch this," Kokichi winks.

Out of nowhere, he gives a shot to Teruteru in the back of his neck. He falls flat on his chest. He is knocked out.

"Now what?" I ask.

"You got a basement?" He wants to know.

"Of course I do," I point to where it is.

I open the door for him, as he carries Teruteru down to the basement. I tie him to a chair.

"This better work, boys," Peko said.

"Oh, it will. Now, time to get her over here," Kokichi pulls out his phone.

I must admit, this is pretty genious. This is one way of bringing her here. I don't know what I will do yet, but I will play it by ear. Kokichi dials her number.

Komaru's point of view

My cellphone starts ringing. I see that my brother is calling. I answer it.

"Hello," I speak.

"Hey, Komaru, we were just checking in," Makoto lets me know.

"How are things there?" Kyoko asks.

"Oh, things are going well. Nothing bad has happened, and that's what matters. Though, the school did fail the nationwide testing," I explain.

"Yeah, so I've heard. Reguardless, that will not happen again," Makoto promises.

"By the way, shovel the snow in the driveway if there is any," he added.

"Of course. I will be on that faster than a barefoot jackrabbit on a hot greasy griddle in the middle of August with a-"

"Yeah, okay, thanks, Komaru," Makoto didn't let me finish my sentence.

"We will be back in a few weeks. We will check in from time-to-time. We love you," Kyoko said.

"Love you guys, too," I say.

With that, we end our call. Shortly after, my phone rings again. It's from an unkown number. Normally I do not answer numbers I don't know, but I'm curious here. I answer it.

"Hello," I greet.

"Hello, Komaru Naegi. It is Kokichi Oma," Kokichi answers.

"Oh, hey, Kokichi," I say.

"I am calling you to inform you that Teruteru is ill, and requires your medical attention. He wanted me to tell you," Kokichi explained.

"Sure, no problem. I'd be glad to take care of him. I'll be there faster than a barefoot jackrabbit on a hot-"

"Yeah, yeah, the rabbit! Just come over to the Fuyuhiko Manor. We'll be waiting," he hangs up.

Who'd he mean by "we"? And why is Teruteru at Fuyuhiko's house? A plethora of questions cross my mind. Nonetheless, I shrug my curiousity. I will shovel when I get back, I just gotta take care of my boyfriend.

I walk to Fuyuhiko's place. Since he has no doorbell, I text Kokichi to let him know I am here.

"Why, hello there," Peko opens the door.

"I am here to take care of Teruteru," I inform her.

"Very well. He is with my Young Master. I will take you to them," she lets me in.

Fuyuhiko's point of view

I hear the door to the basement creek open. I get in posistion, as Kokichi is with Teruteru.

"Oh, hi, Natsumi," Komaru speaks at the top of the steps.

"Slut," Natsumi insults her.

"Come on. Down here," Peko leads her.

"Okay," she follows her.

She brings her to the bottom. I am hiding behind the steps, waiting to strike.

"Where is he?" Komaru wants to know where Teruteru is.

I charge out and shoot her with a sleeping dart. She'll be out for awhile.

"Nice shot!" Kokichi highfives me.

"That'll give us enough time. Peko, tie her up," I order.

"Yes, Young Master," she straps Komaru to a chair.

"How exciting!" Kokichi chants!

"You are one smart son of a bitch," I brag about my business partner.

"Peko, keep guard," I command.

"Yes, Young Master," she understood.

Kokichi and I head upstairs. We celebrate our efforts with a few shots and a few television shows. Eventually, a real show started.

"Peko, get up here a sec," I yell from the top of the steps.

"Yes, Young Master?" She comes up.

"Here comes some yen. Dance for us!" I throw her some yen.

"Very well, Young Master," she starts dancing.

She proceeds to give me and Kokichi a lapdance. I take more shots. Kokichi and I highfive each other.

After our good 'ol time, we went back down to the basement. There she is: wide awake now.

"Good morning, starshine! The Earth says 'hello'!" Kokichi greets her.

"What are you doing?! Why am I tied up?! Where is Teruteru?!" She begins to panic.

"He is just fine. If you wanna see him, you'll do what we say," I tell her.

"Okay, whatever you want! Just please don't hurt me or him!" She cried.

"Peko, get it ready!" I order.

"Yes, Young Master," Peko brings out the projector.

She plays a song on the computer, and it is being projected on the wall by the projector. It is the exact same song Junko used to brainwash us. Now, it'll be Komaru getting hit by Mukuro's words.

"From this day on, you will now be known as "Hirokyo Takahashi: the Ultimate Asssassin," I state.

"Yes, Master," she nods.

She isn't Komaru Naegi anymore. The life she had doesn't matter now. I turned a talentless person into someone brimming with talent.

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