Chapter 16: Keep a Distance

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Kaito's point of view

I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! Even crying children adore the Ultimate Astronaut! In all honesty, there is something I'd like to think about. That being my crush, Maki.

"Heyya, sidekick," I meet up with Shuichi Saihara at the end of the block.

"She is on her yard, but are you sure you want to do this?" Shuichi cautions.

"Relax, it'll be fine. I believe in myself," I state.

"Okay," Shuichi gets on the side.

With Shuichi at my side, we march forward up to Maki Roll. She is doing pushups in her front yard.

"Hey, Maki," I make a first impression.

"Who are you again?" She looks puzzled.

"Oh, hey, Shuichi," she notices him.

"I am Kaito Momota, Ultimate Astronaut."

"I remember you now. You're that guy who was trying to get into girls' locker room that one time," Maki takes note.

"He did?!" Shuichi is shocked.

"Uh, I don't remember. I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime? By the way, what are all of those big metal objects in your living room?" I look through her window.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but you should not be looking through the window. It would be too dangerous for you. Stay away from my house," she demands.

"Looks awesome in there to me, Maki Roll," I acknowledge.

"Do you wanna die? Go kill yourself. Don't call me 'Maki Roll'," she stares into my soul.

"Wow, thank you," I blush.

"And no, why would I hangout with someone so arrogant and stupid like you?" She hisses.

"Ah, we'll be going, Maki," Shuichi stirs me in the opposite direction.

"Dude, not cool," I tell Shuichi.

"Sorry, Kaito, but she was rather less than amused you were there," he shared.

"Well, tomorrow's a new day. I am not going to give up. I'll ask her to work out with us tomorrow," I make a plan.

"Good grief," Shuichi sighs.

Someone rides up to us on a skateboard. The person is Kaede Akamatsu.

"Hey, Kaito. Hey, Shuichi," she smiles.

"Kaede," Shuichi is shocked again.

"You surprised?" She asked.

"Uh, no, no, it's not that I'm shocked, it's just... wasn't expecting this," he tells the truth.

"Oh, I'll try to be visible next time. Anyway, I have a piano concert tonight at the community center, and wanted to know if you guys would be there?"

"Uh, I'd rather stay in my bedroom-"

"We'd love to go!" I speak for him.

"Excellent! I'll see you guys at 8. Here are tickets in adavanced," she hands us a couple yellow tickets.

She disappears down the street with her skateboard. Shuichi looks at the ticket he got from Kaede.

"Thanks, Kaito," Shuichi throws the ticket on the ground.

"What? Hey, come on, she's our friend. I know you'd rather stay home, but support your friend, will ya?" I give a thumbs up.

"Fine, you're right," he picks the ticket back up.

With that, we parted ways. He heads to his house, I go to mine. I just got a good idea: if Maki will be at Kaede's concert, I'll ask her to workout tomorrow, then. She's a red hot firework.

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