Chapter 5: Worthless Nagito

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Nagito's point of view

Our last class of the day is homeroom. Miss Yukizome is our teacher. Best part of this class is... no hopeless reserve course students. They're frauds to begin with. I may be a piece of trash, but I have a talent. Hajime, Komaru, and Makoto do not.

"Oh, my, oh, my... Miss Saionji, you're quite the dancer, aren't you?" Teruteru  watches Hiyoko dance.

"Stop getting off on this, you pedo," she strikes.

"You boys are always the same," Mahiru Koizumi accuses Teruteru Hanamura.

"Hey, hey, not all of us are like that," Kazuichi defends his gender.

"Oh, yeah? Says you. You are a suck up for Sonia," Mahiru retaliated.

"Hey, children, sorry I'm a bit late. I made a run to the teacher's lounge quickly, but class is in session now. If you got homework to do, do it," Miss Yukizome states.

I'm a worthless nobody. What benefit will doing homework do me? Oh, well. I am working on it, anyway.

"Ha! You mere humans need to do your own work, but I am a phenomenon! My Four Dark Devas of Destruction did all the work for me!" Gundham claims.

"Wow, Gundham. Your hamsters are so talented," Sonia is amazed at his hamsters.

"Hamsters are their temporary form... nonetheless, thank you," Gundham blushes.

Kazuichi glares over at Gundham. He's being so jealous, because he can't impress Soina. If I'd want to impress a woman, I wouldn't need hamsters. I can rely on my luck.

A guitar is going off behind me. I turn around. Ibuki Mioda is blasting her music in the classroom.

"Ibuki, be quiet please. Others are trying to work," Miss Yukizome remimds her.

"Aw, but I want the thrills of rock, yo!" Ibuki shouts.

"Hey, Ibuki, come on. That was right in my damn ear," Fuyuhiko covers his ears.

"That's good, yo! I know I have talent," she squeals.

"Get out of my sight!" He shouts at her.

"Get out of Young Master's sight and quiet down, if you know what is good for you," Peko stands up.

Ibuki sits down. She begins to do her schoolwork. Ibuki is the Ultimate Musician, she may be filled with hope, but even I couldn't stand that music.

Ryota's Point of View

I am working on a computer in the library. I'm the Ultimate Animator, so it is no surprise that I attend in plenty of Information Technology courses. I'm making a culinary website for my Web Design class.

"Hey, sexy boy, we've been looking for you," Mikan approaches my table.

"Go away," I tell her.

"Mikan, lovely, go to homeroom, we got this," Junko said.

"Very well, teehee," she blushes at Junko.

Mikan leaves the library. She is such a mess, Mikan is. She's one of our school nurses, but she sure doesn't act like one. She's quite a mystery that I can't quite figure out.

"Ryota Mitarai, me and Mukuro have an offer you, cutie," Junko shares.

"Offer? What kind of offer?" I question.

"You'll find out soon enough," Mukuro Ikusaba grins.

"Meet us out front after school, and you better not defy me," Junko grabs my neck.

"Y-Yeah... yeah, I got it..." I struggle for air.

"Such a good and cooperative boy," Junko pokes my cheek.

The girls exit the library. I am in a loss for words. What do they mean by "offer"? I hope it ain't nothing bad.

Nagito's point of view

"Have a good day, children. Mr. Komaeda, I'd like to speak to you before you leave," Miss Yukizome targets me.

I sit at my table, with a blink expression on my face. Of course human garbage like me has to stay after class. Miss Yukizome is sitting across from my sight, so she faces toward my sense of direction.

"You're failing all your classes, Nagito."

"Huh? What? Oh, my luck is truly, truly bad," I acknowledge.

"As your homeroom teacher, I am your advisor, and even if I wasn't neither... it still breaks my heart to see a student struggling. Is everything alright, Nagito? Do you need any help?" She asks me.

It would seem she truly is concerned about my academic life. She truly is... nevertheless, it is truly pointless to be  worried about a nobody. Especially if that nobody is Nagito Komaeda.

"Well, how do I explain this? There are those who are worthy, and those not so worthy. We're in one group or the other, from the moment we draw our first breath. If a person isn't one of the chosen, there's not much they can do. No one's anointed by elbow grease. It's clear: in-born talent is simply all that matters. That's our world, and I wanna help the worthy shine as bright as possible. When two species of hope collide, I wanna be there to watch the fireworks. Imagine what a privilege that'd be. The chosen ones going head-to-head as they come into their own," I say my thoughts.

"Hope isn't supposed to be a battlefield. Not like that," Miss Yukizome gives her side of the disagreement.

"I understand, miss. Don't pay attention to a word I say. Just philosophical musings of a no one-"

I was not expecting her to slap me. My cheek is red. She got me good. She holds my face.

"Don't ever talk about yourself like that. You're not 'no one', you're my student. Understand? I'm your teacher, and darn proud of it," she lectures.

"Yukizome," I am in a loss for words.

"You aren't trash... you're my precious student," she begins to shed tears.

"Who am I to disagree with a wise person such as yourself? I'm sorry, ma'am. From the bottom of my heart, I love the hope that is within you," I get up.

Miss Yukizome gives me a hug. I do not deserve it, but I'll certainly accept the hug.

This is why I love Hope's Peak: There are so many people brimming with hope.

Hajime's point of view

The water fountain in the school courtyard is magical. Not only does it look nice, but it is also where I sit on the edge to play games on my GameGirl with my best friend, Chiaki Nanami. We've known each other for a long time. She is the Ultimate Gamer.

"Hey, Hinata," she joins me on the edge of the fountain.

"Let's continue where we left off," I start up my console.

I have a blue GameGirl. Chiaki has a pink one. Together, we play multi player games. No matter how hard I try, she always beats me.

Me and her have a competitive game. Her winning, as usual. She stands up.

"One more thing, Hinata: I made this for you," she gives me a painting.

This is a painting of... of me. I like it.

"Thanks, Chiaki. This really means a lot coming from you."

On the walk away from the school, I catch a glimpse of Junko and Mukuro, walking with Ryota. I wonder where they're going? Actually, probably best to not worry about that. 


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