Chapter 11: New Guy

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Makoto's point of view

"Before we begin class, I'd like you all to welcome our new student," Mr. Hya announces.

"His name is Kokichi Oma. He is from Hiroshima. Treat him how you'd like to be treated," he introduces Kokichi to us.

"Doc, you missed one thing. I am also the Ultimate Supreme Leader! I lead many evil organizations!" Kokichi brags.

Komaru is staring intently at him. She is blushing at Kokichi's sight. Of course she is. The worst part is, the school of course just had to volunteer me to show him around. The school even swapped Maki's locker as his, so now he's "lockermates" with yours truly.

"Komaru, you can't be serious," I look over in her direction.

"Shut up. I'm not the one blushing, you are," Komaru slaps me.

"Hey, ow," I hold my cheek.

Kokichi claims the desk behind Komaru. If it wasn't worse, now he puts on a cape and a black sea captain's hat. Good grief. He digs through his bookbag. Why does he have a rose? He stands up for a moment, I assume.

"Kokichi, sit down," Mr. Hya calls out.

"In a moment, sir," Kokichi salutes our math teacher.

He goes up to Komaru with the rose. Good grief. My sister has the hots for him, and I guess he feels the same for her.

"I ain't nothing but a hound dog, but oh, well. Here you are, ma'am. You look beautiful. Besides, I noticed you staring at me. You're interested in the Ultimate Supreme Leader, aren't you? That is interesting, because well... let's say I'm interested in you," Kokichi gives Komaru the rose.

"Oh, dear.." Komaru accepts his offering.

"Hey, bad Kokichi. Stand back," I blurt.

"'Bad Kokichi?' Waa! You're so mean!" Kokichi cries like a little girl.

"What's the issue?" Mr. Hya gets involved.

"What do you mean, Mr. Hya? He is trying to get with Komaru," I grudge.

"Yeah, so?" Kokichi shrugs.

"Dude, she's my sister," I slide both hands down my face.

"Komaru's your sister? Well, howdy. That just makes things better," Kokichi slaps his knees.

"Can we continue with the lesson please?" Mr. Hya writes some equations on the board.

"Right. Sorry, sir," I sit down.

That mess of a class has come to an end. Good riddance, too, because the thought of Kokichi with Komaru is uncomfortable to me. Good news is Komaru is not in any of the classes I have the rest of the day. Unfortunately, the bad news is that Kokichi will still be in the remaining classes I have, which I still have to accompany him throughout the school day. For this day only, then he's out of my hair. However, if he tries to have sex with Komaru, then we'll have a problem. He seems to be the type that can manipulate people easily.

"As you can see, this is the cafeteria where we get our lunch. There is tons of tables to sit and eat. As well as to talk amongst ourselves," I bring Kokichi to the cafeteria.

"Who's that girl sitting in the corner away from everyone?" Kokichi points over to a girl.

"Oh, that's Akane Owari. She *used* to eat anything you gave her. I dare to say used to, because lately she hasn't eaten anything. Nothing at all. She used to be all muscle, but not so much anymore," I talk about Akane.

Now that I mention her, it is strange. She used to have an eating disorder, then, she got better, and now she is back to her old habit. Has she seen more paranormal activity? Who knows. She's also wearing Nekomaru's jacket. I haven't seen him in awhile. How's he holding up?

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