Chapter 41: Blackmail and Loves Reunite

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Shuichi's point of view

The alarm on my phone alerts me to wake up. It is Saturday, but my day off isn't really a day off. I still got work to go to.

I go to the shower and clean myself. Afterward, I bestow upon my work uniform I will be suiting for the next ten hours. 8:00-18:00 today: good grief. I do not like these shift hours, but it's got to be done. Kyoko has the day off today.

"Shuichi, honey, I made you waffles before you go to work," Mom has made breakfast for me and Blue.

"Oh, thanks, Mom," I begin to eat.

"I also made your lunch. It is in the fridge. You can collect it on your way out," she added.

Meanwhile, Blue is staring into her phone. Probably looking through posts of her favorite bands. I'm more of an emo type, while Blue is more gothic.

Anyway, I eat my breakfast, grab the lunch Mom made for me, then, I head outside. I place my lunch in the travelling bag I have. As I was getting on my bike, I see Kaito shoveling the snow in his driveway.

I give him a wave, and he waves back. After we wave to one another, I see Maki come out of his house. She hands him some hot chocolate and a protien bar. Addtionally, she gives him a kiss on the cheek. Maki's glance, then goes over to me. She also waves to me and smiles. I wave and smile back to her. After a bit, she heads back inside Kaito's house. Do I still know Maki murdered Kaede and her family? Yes, I do. Do I forgive her, though? Yes, I do.

I safely ride my bike across the snowy sidewalks and streets of Towa City. I peddle to my destination: Future Foundation HQ. It is 7:54; I am here with a few minutes to spare. I clock in, go to my office, sit at my desk, open up my computer, and begin my shift.

The first and second hours was really nothing that intresting. I was answering company emails, but hour three was when I was dealt with something.

"Mr. Saihara, you have a visitor," Chisa speaks to me through the walkie-talkie.

"They can come in," I reply.

In a brief moment, someone comes walking into my office. To be honest, though, it wasn't who I thought or was expectating. Peko Pekoyama comes into my office and sits down. She is holding a folder in one of her hands.

"Miss Pekoyama: what brings you in today?" I ask, as I light a cigarette.

"I am here in reguards to my Young Master Fuyuhiko," she speaks.

"You don't beat around a bush, I admit. Even so, what about him?" I question.

"You need to let him out," she demands.

"That is a bold request, but I cannot fulfil that request. He brainwashed two innocent people, assulted another, and had a role to play in someone's death. He's a danger to society," I explain to her the situation about Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu.

"Just like how Maki Harukawa had a role to play in someone's death. As a matter of fact, she brutally murdered three people all because of some 'list'. She is a danger to society, yet you are covering for her and letting her roam around free," she gets straight to the point.

"Excuse me? I... do not know what you are talking about," I lie.

"DO NOT play stupid with me, the Ultimate Swordswoman. You, a government agent and a fellow Ultimate, should not lie about something like this. You should not be biased either. Look at what you did: you got your partner killed, just so you could protect a girl with a meanstreak," she calls me out.

"Okay, okay... calm down. Don't be screaming. Other agents might hear you. Besides, even if I wanted to let him out, it has to be approved by the other agents. Good luck trying to get his release approved with no evidence I did such a thing," I state.

"That's what these are for," Peko places the folder she was holding on my desk.

She opens the folder, revealing the contents inside. It is pictures of me... me that night a few months ago with Kaede the last known time she was alive, that night I was with Tenko, and of course that night... I was talking to Maki. Peko, then pulls out a tape recorder. She pushes play on it. It's recorded audio of me agreeing to cover for Maki.

"How'd you get these?!" I am shook.

"I have my ways. Let's just say my Young Master has good intution of things, and he makes me document and report what I come up with," she stares into my eyes.

"Kuzuryu, that bastard... Peko, you bi-... y'know what? Fine. I'll persuade the other agents to let him go. You win. Just do not show anyone what's inside that folder," I admit defeat.

"I will walk you out," I add.

I escort Peko outside to the parking lot. She gets in a car with Natsumi in the driver's seat. On the way out of the lot, Peko gives me a mincing look.

Well, geez. I can't believe I just got blackmailed. The others will never go for this, however, it is my job that's gone if they don't.

Junko's point of view

I awaken in a hosptial bed. What happened? Last thing I remembered, Fuyuhiko, then... I was in an ambulance. I do not remember anything after that. However, one person I do remember is Kiyotaka. He helped me, and for that I am grateful.

"Ah, Taka, she's awake," Mukuro shares.

"Oh, thank God," Taka sighs in relief.

"Mukuro, Kiyotaka, what happened?" I am lost.

"Junko, you're in the hospital. After Fuyuhiko attacked you, we brought you hear," Muk explained.

"They had to put you under for emergency surgery," Kiyotaka adds.

"Why's that?" I wonder.

"Well, they had stitch your head back in place. It was torn open from the attack. In addition, you got into cardiac arrest. You must have been so shocked during the ambulance ride: as a result, the doctors did open heart surgery on you to save your life," he tears up as he explains.

"Oh, honey, come here," I warp my arms around him.

I feel how warm he is from the hug, and I can feel how cold I am. Muk joins in on the hug, too.

"I was so worried," Kiyotaka said.

"Shhh... it's okay, dear. I am okay. We are okay," I hold him close.

Within a couple moments of holding one another, our lips interlock. I... haven't done this with anyone in a long time; if not a long time, then not at all. Is this love? If it's love, I most certainly feel it.

"I love you, my MaryJunko," he whispers.

"I love you, too, Taki," I gently rock him back and forth.

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