Chapter 42: Warm While Being Cold

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I am in quite the predicament, am I? I have to convince the other agents to let Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu out of jail; otherwise, Peko Pekoyama will spill the beans on what Maki did to the Akamatsus. Can this day get any worse? Well, that's a matter that can be addressed at the next Board of Directors meeting.
In the meantime, I am about to be done for the day. I go to clock out. Before I leave, I am stopped by someone.
"You have a good day?" Kyoko asks me.
She is sitting at the front desk, drinking a cup of coffee. Also, she's got a very professional look on her face. As professional as whiskey to an alcoholic.
"Yes, I did," I choke up my words.
"Are you okay, Shuichi Saihara? You are sweating. Are you sick?" She checks up on me.
"Oh, yeah, no worries. Everything's fine. I got to go. Bye, Kyoko," I quickly exit the facility.
What was she doing there? I thought she had the day off today. Oh, well. That is not really of my concern.
In any event, I hop on my bike and peddle down the road. Seeing the streets decked out in tons of reefs and colorful lights, sure is magical. The snow falling from the night sky and onto the ground makes the scenery even better.
Before I go home, I have an errand to run. I park the bike to the side of the grocery store and chain it up. All right, so, I need to buy some food for the family at home. Mom texted me that while I was at work. Since I was already out, she thought I could do that. She said she'd pay me back. I walk out of the bitter coldness, and enter the warming heat of the store.
I grab a cart and proceed to grocery shop. I get what I needed from the aisles. While I went to registers to check out, I saw Sonia walk in holding Gundham and Kazuichi's hands. Isn't that something?
I wish I could say that was the end of me seeing people I know, but it wasn't. As I was unlocking the chain to my bicycle, someone lended me a helping hand.
"Hi, Shuichi-Kun," Tenko goes up to me.
"Oh, hey, Tenko. Good seeing you," I demonstrate my manners.
"Good seeing you, too. It's been awhile. This is the first chance I've had a chance to go out since... the state of emergency," she states.
"Yeah, I know that feeling," I sigh.
"Yes, it's pretty sad, isn't it? I was so scared... anyway, I saw you struggling with your groceries and with your bike: why don't I give you a ride home?" Tenko offers.
"Are you sure?" I am hesitant.
"Why, certainly. You put your stuff in the backseats and your bike in the trunk. Besides, it's too cold out here for you to ride that thing. Plus, I'd be doing a good deed," she explains.
"You know what? Why not. Sure. Thanks, Tenko," I appreciate her hospitality.
"You're so welcome!" Tenko smiles.
I put my backpack and groceries in the back of her red sports car. Additionally, she helps me with placing the bicycle in the trunk of the vehicle. After everything is safely in, we buckle up. She starts driving down the beautifully lit Towa City streets.
"I'm sorry about Kaede again... truly," Tenko feels sympathy for me.
"You don't got to keep apologizing. It's hard, I know. I am not as worked up about the incident as much anymore. Thank you, though. Really," I appreciate her.
"It's the very least I can do. After all, I kind of know what you must be going through. I... never knew who my mom was. She... passed away while giving birth to me," Tenko opens up to me.
"I apologize," I apologize to Tenko Chabashira.
"Thank you, honey," she dries her tears.
"Well, here we are," Tenko pulls up to the driveway.
"Thank you very much, Tenko. Hey, why don't you come in for a bit? We can sit by my fireplace. I'll make some hot chocolate for us," I propose.
"Be glad to!" She smiles her warm smile at me.
Tenko put my bike in the garage; after that, she assists me in unloading and putting the groceries away. You know, she didn't have to do any of this one bit. That just goes to show she is well beyond the "degenerate male" stage in her life.
It looks like Mom and Blue are not home. Because I did not want to be embarrassed for having a girl over, it is good they are not here. As Tenko rests by the fireplace, I make some hot chocolate for us. I gave us a couple candy canes as well.
Once they were hot and ready, I give her a mug. She takes a sip.
"It's trash, isn't it?" I am expecting her to say it is not good.
"No, not at all. It's great!" I know she is lying.
I look down. I am starting to feel despair coming in.
"Hey, are you okay, Shuichi-Kun? I am here for you," Tenko notices my feelings are worst for ware.
"I've been... conflicting with something," I mention.
"You don't have to, but you know you can talk to me, Shuichi. That's what friends are for," she smiles once more.
"It was... Maki..." I admit.
"Huh?" She looks puzzled.
"She... killed the Akamatsu family..." I finally tell someone everything.
"To make matters worse, if I do not let Fuyuhiko out of custody, Peko will tell Future Foundation I knew about it this whole time. Thus, I am going to be arrested for fraud. More than that, Maki will arrested for murder," I add.
"You... are keeping Maki's secret to protect her. Shuichi, that is so brave and admirable," Tenko said.
"Am I doing the right thing?" I look up to her wonderful face.
"Of course you are!" She chanted.
Her smile... there is something about it that I really feel comforted by it. She places her hands in mine. We warmly smile at each other.
"Tenko, please stay with me," I choke.
"Of course, honey," she hugs me.
That night, Tenko and I lay in my bed together. She looks really wholesome when she is asleep.
As I am watching my sleeping beauty sleep, my phone notifications sound rings. I check it. It is a text message from an unknown number, saying "You have two days after today." Now, I ain't a dummy. Of course, this text is from Peko. She wants him out, so be it. It will be an uphill battle, but I don't want anything bad to happen me, Maki, or now... Tenko. 

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