Chapter 2 - Rouge Idea

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A few days later, Josh is released from the hospital. He arrives home by taxi, making it before Gwen prepares to leave with the kids for Ohio. He makes his way inside, where he finds their luggage in the middle of the living room floor.

"Hey, you guys, I'm back!" He announces while he rubs his still sore shoulder.

He feels vibrations of feet stomping from the other end of the house. Both Emily and Brooklyn don't stop until they crash into Josh, clinging to him with the world's tightest hug.

"DADDY!" Brooklyn squeals.

"You're home just in time. Welcome back home yet again, dad!" Emily says with an uneasy sensation still wrenching her gut.

"See, girls, I'm still a tough old man." He jokes, trying to pry his girls off his aching and battered body.

Gwen comes from the hallway with a towel wrapped around her hair.

"Hey girls, let your dad go, please. I see you still have your arm bandaged up. How bad is the damage this time?"

"Not as bad as you think; just trying to keep it dry and clean. Thanks for asking, but I need to get cleaned up and head back to work. I was hoping to catch you all before you left." Josh explains, eyeballing Gwen up and down like they're still teenagers.

She motions for him to join her down the hall. Josh follows her to the bedroom door, where he stops to watch with a little extra wiggle in her hips.

"Wait, you've been able to sleep in here? I haven't slept in here since Erin, well, you know." Josh reveals when Gwen takes a seat on the bed.

"So, that explains a lot." She says while she pats her hand on the bed, sending an invitation to Josh.

"I know that was hard on you. Losing Erin and she was beautiful but get over here, and let's talk about it."

It takes a minute to convince himself to sit on the bed, but Josh eventually makes his way over to Gwen, avoiding the picture over on the nightstand. They sit there in silence for a couple of minutes. Gwen scoots her hand over Josh's as she moves in to steal a kiss.

He shuts his eyes, but the images from horrible memories flash through his mind and cause him to pull back. Once again, he shuts himself down, but Gwen tries to break through that barrier.

"Hey, hey, Josh, it's okay; you know that you still have the kids and me. Maybe it's time to put this place and this life behind you and move onto something else and somewhere else. Keep your stake in Emily's inheritance and come enjoy life with me, Aaron, and Brooklyn." She suggests while taking her hand and strokes his cheek gently.

"It sounds like something I could do after I finish this case. I need to finish this one before it gets worse. Every day this poison spreads like a virus. We'll discuss it when I stop through there; while I was lying in the hospital, I had an idea. I can't tell you what it is, but if I can get what I need, then it'll be a huge help." Josh clarifies with a dull stare in his eyes.

What he has to say doesn't settle well with Gwen. She fights the urge to strike his cheek as she sits there with sadness in her eyes.

"I know it's pointless to argue with you. Once your mind is made up, that's always been your way. Remember, you do have four kids counting on you. I love you, but I can't ignore your decision."

She trades in her urge to strike him across the face for a simple sweet kiss instead.

"I'll see you soon." He whispers, getting to his feet to help Gwen up.

Josh keeps the look in his eyes that he's had for her since their time together as teenagers. That sparkle in his eyes continues to make Gwen feel like she's seventeen all over again.

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