Chapter 17 - Paid in Blood

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In the height of the madness that grips the country, resources become stretched thin. Emergency services far exceed their limitations while bodies and blood flood the streets.

Damien is ecstatic to see his plans come around full circle. However, the person who oversees it all isn't pleased and makes his displeasure known.

"What in the blue hell are you doing out there? I didn't bring you aboard to let you act like a savage wild dog. Get this back under control before I have you taken out myself." The Angel King scolds his protégé.

"This is exactly what we need to draw out what remains of the resistance. For Christ's sake, Preach nearly took us out. I want his head for it! Come on now. My king look around. No one suspects you because of the position you hold. You're our king for a reason." Damien explains, trying to gain control.

"Yeah, and now they're talking about upping security and possibly evacuating parts of D.C. You know I need you to carry out phase three to usher in a new era for America."

"Don't forget your promise! I get this done, and I get my company back and a hefty position within your administration!" Damien barks his demands.

The Angel King doesn't waste time to answer but reminds him of what he needs to do.

"Just do your job and show these agents on your ass why you're the one man they shouldn't fuck with in the first place. Also, there are Interpol agents in the country. Some are looking for a missing DEA agent while one guards the kid your men failed to kill. Send them all a message through Greg and get moving!"

Damien doesn't waste time loading up a van with his best fighters. He races against time that has James and Josh in play already with a plan. Owen and his men are in the air for Tampa. Justin's driving straight through, only stopping long enough to refuel.

Atlanta is about to become the next hot zone. Both teams compete to reach the city first with their hearts racing, unaware of what waits around the corner.

Aware of the situation in the two major cities, Greg rushes to prepare for an all-out retaliation. Greg is aware that things are about to shift to a wild brawl knowing someone will arrive angry to exact revenge.

Doing his best running inside, he snags up their getaway bags along with a suitcase of money stashed away in a closet. It's his best way to escape the situation so they can make a clean break anywhere in Mexico.

"Amanda, we have to get out of here now!" Greg hollers from the family room downstairs but hears no movement from upstairs.

Greg gulps and reaches into his getaway bag, pulling out a chrome snub nose thirty-eight caliber revolver with the hammer cocked back and slowly creeps up the steps. He keeps his guard up as his nerves begin to unravel.

"Amanda, sweetie, are you still in bed?" Using the gun, Greg nudges the door to the hallway open and slowly emerges from the steps to check each room to find out that the house is empty.

Not wasting time, he picks up the house phone calling Amanda's cell phone to have it sent straight to voicemail.

"Hi, it's Amanda. Leave a message, bye" hearing the beep, Greg leaves a desperate message.

"Honey, it's me, listen run, I'll meet you later at our checkpoint just drop everything and go now please, I love you. I'm sorry. Bye."

Back down downstairs, Greg nearly trips over his own feet, trying to hurry. After he tosses the bags into Amanda's car, he hears the rumble of the loose gravel along the road under the weight of approaching tires. Greg looks up and knows his time is up when two large SUVs speed down the road.

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