Chapter 13 - See ya, Atlanta

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Early morning arrives, and Preach comes banging on the fellas' doors. Kyle, the youngest, is already up and ready. Being proactive, he's used the coffee maker in his room to have a cup ready for both Alex and Justin.

"Well, I see you're an early bird!" Preach teases, giving Kyle a playful jab to the shoulder.

"What can I say, Cuz? Got to impress you a bit, you know. I was the weak link the other night, and yeah, gotta make it up to my boys."

Preach goes from playful jabbing to a soft pat on the back.

"Just takes times, youngling; all you can do is simply live, learn, and repeat. I would say live, learn, and get Luvs, but you ain't got kids yet. At least I wouldn't think; do you have kids?" Preach says in his rambling.

"Not yet, but I'd like to one day. Be a better parent than my folks were. They uh, were real pieces of shit..." Kyle pauses, slapping his hand over his mouth.

Preach can laugh, but Kyle overlooks his friends behind him, listening as he picks up the story.

"...Sorry, Preach, but yeah, they're real pieces of work. I had a younger sister who they would use as a guinea pig after she turned fourteen. They gotta bad batch of heroin, and it killed her."

Preach's expression turns from listening to giving this poor soul a warm embrace. As Preach holds this kid saying a silent prayer, Kyle finishes the story.

"That's when they ran and dumped her body. They left her in a garbage bag in a dumpster. I was barely home by then because I knew what kind of people they were. I didn't know about my sister. I still feel responsible for her death. I should've been there." Kyle says, trying to fight through the pain.

"She's in our Lord's hands now, my brother. She isn't hurtin' no more! You're still here for a reason, but always hold her in your heart and honor her through good works." Preach says, realizing he needs to get this kid out of harm's way.

Justin and Alex come up from behind, placing their hands on Kyle's shoulders. It's a momentary silence as they allow Kyle to collect himself before they get moving.

"Oh wait, in my room on the end table, there's a couple of cups of coffee," Kyle remembers telling the other two.

"It's all good little brother. We'll get something good on the road. We gotta fill up anyways, but it's a hell of a gesture." Justin admits as they walk away.

They don't know that Kyle hid his phone under the mattress out of fear of it being found in his bag if he gets searched. He manages to leave Brooklyn one last message before he ditched it.

By the time Brooklyn wakes up to read the message, Kyle is nearly half-way to Florida. She's shocked by his message and immediately calls her father.

"C'mon, pick up, dad!" She groans, bouncing in her bed.

Right before she's sent to voicemail, Josh answers, sounding groggy.

"Uh, hello."

"Daddy! It's Brooky; listen, Kyle texted me, and they're on their way to Florida. He didn't say where, but he said he left his phone in his room and said they wouldn't be using their radios most of the time. What's going on, daddy, and don't you dare lie to me." Brooklyn says, impatient.

"He's working undercover for me, Sweet Pea. He's safe with Uncle Justin and Alex. I'll get up and get over there to get his phone. He's not in danger, but he's making sure he doesn't get burned. It's okay, my sweet girl, I promise."

That's when the Gwen side of Brooklyn appears.

"If something happens to him, daddy, I'll not only not forgive you, but I will kick your ass!" She threatens and sounds like her mother.

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