Chapter 11 - Hotlanta

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Several hours on the road speeding towards Atlanta with a half-baked plan doesn't sit well for Josh. He knows they need to be situated when they arrive. Both teams must remain separated to avoid burning the guys' cover. He's about to have arrangements for himself and James, but he contacts his Director for help.

"Director Foxx, sir, it's Agent Bradshaw," Josh says when he speeds dials his boss on the secured line.

"Go ahead, what's the situation, son?"

"I need unregistered accommodations for my team, sir. I have myself and my tech person covered, but the three on the streets need something that isn't a DEA safe house." Josh explains, not wasting time as they drive closer to their first destination.

"Already done, there's a Georgia Deluxe Suites that is a local spot for deep undercover agents. It's nothing fancy, but they need to mention account number 4495." Director Foxx explains with the information pulled up on his screen.

"Copy that, sir, thank you! We're outside Atlanta. I'll check in as we progress with the case; Agent Bradshaw out."

Once the call is finished, Josh dials another number to ensure his temporary crash pad. James listens inventively.

"Thank you for calling the Rosemont Luxury Suites and Resort. This is Christina; how may I assist you today?" The reservation specialist answers the call.

"Yes, Christina, this is Joshua Bradshaw, Chairman of Rose Luxury. I need my suite and the Executive Suites available ASAP. I have a potential client for expansion coming in with me, and I want to ensure this is a done deal. Can I rely on you to make this happen?" Josh says.

"Oh, absolutely, Mr. Bradshaw! It'll be my pleasure to have your suites ready, and would you need anything, extra sir?"

"Not at this time, Christina. I just need the suites ready and the Boardroom set up for business meetings and such. It is our busy season for the following year, you know." Josh teases, hiding his intentions of the reservations.

Christina can be heard typing things on her computer and in no time has the suites setup and being prepped.

"It's complete, sir, and I tell all of our guests. Enjoy your stay, and thank you for being part of the Rose Luxury Family! Have a blessed day Mr. Bradshaw."

"Thank you, darlin', and have a blessed day as well, bye."

James doesn't hesitate to show his appreciation.

"An entire suite to myself! Fucking A right son!"

"I did it for a reason. It's in case anyone comes looking for me they don't find you. If that happens, you can take over the case with Justin, still the lead investigator on the streets. Got to remember there is a bounty on my head. This means you're going to hit the streets to be over watch for our team. Plus, while you monitor them, I can get some much-needed signatures and meetings done. After this is finished, I'm running these hotels full-time until Emily takes the helm as her grandfather demanded in his will." Josh breaks it down, hiding behind his sunglasses.

The only thing James can do is sit there in awe as Josh can manage to balance such things. He knew his life was chaotic, but the control he commands for being an agent and handling his child's future astounds James to new heights.

"I had no idea, man, that you can place that much on your shoulders and not crack," James mentions with his laptop in his lap.

"I got to bub, I love these kids, and granted, I'll never win father for the year. I can be sure they have successful lives. Gotta do what I gotta do, I'm a dad, and their happiness comes first."

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