Chapter 10 - Stage One

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Things on the surface appear to be salvageable from everything Josh has shared with his new team. Although with a leak deeply planted on the inside of the DEA, among several other places in the government. It's all about changing the game for everyone involved.

"Agent Five, a status update on our favorite mark." Damien orders.

"Boss, things are still up in the air. All we know for now is that Agent Bradshaw and his newest recruits are not DEA. Also, nor are they anywhere near the planned targets. They're in hiding, sir, and hiding well." Agent Five reports shifts through their notes.

Damien, a real southern businessman, stands well over six foot five with a thin, lean cut build. His Louisianan accent bleeds through thick at times. Ever since he started up his new highly profitable venture, he's been hiding out in the French Quarter and Florida outskirts to oversee his operations.

"They'll make their move sooner or later, but let's draw them out into the open a bit quicker than they expect. Mix in the new ingredient and ship it to Baltimore. I want him found and killed. He's been a pain in my side for far too long, ya hear." Damien demands with hostility in his voice.

"Copy that sir, I know Josh all too well, and he'll come to us. He's meticulous with a very cerebral mind. Don't underestimate him, sir. I've spent a lot of time with him within the DEA." Agent Five reminds his boss before the call suddenly ends.

Damien swings his chair around to look at the ever-growing map of cities flooded with his Southern Sugar product.

Agent Five makes his way to the lab hidden within the basement of an abandoned pharmacy distribution center. When he enters the mix room, he doesn't waste time approaching the lab rats in charge of creating each regional batch.

"Teddy, new orders from the boss man. He wants to send a tainted batch to Baltimore to send a message to the newest Feds on our asses. Mix in Agent One and distribute it at no cost to our street crews. I want to see these people make news when they drop dead." Agent Five says, alongside the lead mixologist.

"I can do that, but Agent One, are you sure? You know it hasn't been tested, and it could have some other complications." Teddy reminds the head muscle of the organization.

"Who cares! If it makes it airborne when they collapse. It just means more junkies and people die. Not my problem, my problem is you being mouthy when you're given a direct order." Agent Five fiercely growls, already impatient.

The chemists nearby overheard the order for the new lethal batch. They head over without hesitation, placing on their protective gear, and begin to mix the Agent One element into a batch. Within a couple of hours, the bricks are cooked and stacked for delivery to Baltimore.

An unmarked cargo truck pulls into the bay. Shortly after arriving, it's loaded up with instructions from Agent Five.

"Remember, hit every street dealer we have. Remember not to say anything about the tainted product. If they try it, then that's on them. Agent One was added, which, as you know, is the exit strategy for that zone. Have fun, fellas!"

Once the rear door is shut and latched, the truck pulls away. Agent Five takes out his burner phone to call his boss.

"Shipment to Heavenly Flock on its way, out." Agent Five says, then slaps his phone shut.

Back on the other side of this battle, Josh and his team get ready to wave everyone off as they head for the beach house. The only one unhappy about departing is Gwen. Her gut tells her that something awful is about to happen.

"Please forget this and just come with us. This is supposed to be a family vacation!" She reminds the love of her life, refusing to let him go.

"We have to wait on our gear to come, and then we'll be there, I promise," Josh replies to break her grip.

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