Chapter 19 - The Clashes Begin

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Before they load up the boats, Josh works with a few Colonels to handle the other situations to get a firm grip throughout the country's other war-torn regions.

"We need to take back our cities and bring civil order. Gentlemen, Extreme Prejudice was declared through my Director from his superiors. I pass that command onto you. Do whatever it takes to seize control!" Josh calls out to the command leaders.

"Affirmative Agent Bradshaw; we'll take so many with each of us and fly into nearby battle zones. From there, it'll be quick strikes to eliminate the enemy." Colonel Johnson says, ready for action. "I'll take Chicago, and we won't quit until we seize the city!"

Next, Colonel Miller steps up to assume his new post.

"I'll go to Baltimore! I've been waiting to take back my home city. I'll do what needs to be done. It's an honor Agent Bradshaw to fight along with you, figurately speaking."

Lastly, Colonel Kane stands tall, ready to take her soldiers to fight for the nation's heart.

"That leaves D.C. to my men, and we will not fail you, sir! It's time to commence the battles. God be with you, our friend."

They salute the other, but before they part ways, a black Ford sedan speeds up to the crowd.

"Oh, my God! It's Secretary of Defense, Bill Klifton!" A soldier cries out with salutes throughout the battalion-size gathering.

"At ease, soldiers, I'm here to discuss battle plans with the head of this coo. Agent Joshua Bradshaw, where are you?" The tall, slender man with salt and pepper colored hair and gray eyes calls out, searching for the horde's leader.

"Over here, Mr. President!" Josh calls out to the former one-term President from his childhood.

Secretary Klifton's path is divided down the middle of the crowd as they applaud his arrival. Once he reaches Josh, he extends his hand out as a measure of good faith.

"Mr. President, I have not been called that in a long time."

"We have a chaplain here who could make it official again. At least until we regain control of the country." Josh explains as Klifton is the only known politician left alive.

An Army Captain comes forward with his Bible firmly gripped in his hands as he prepares to swear in the Secretary of Defense.

Every soldier observes and relishes the moment where they can see the interim President sworn into duty. Once the chaplain is finished, the crowd erupts, but shortly after that, it returns to the business at hand.

"If you have orders fallout! If you don't come with me as we address the nation and begin to rebuild hope!" President Klifton announces, raising a hand in the air.

The first glimpse of optimism roars to life with Josh being lead to the boat with Owen by his side.

"It's a supreme honor to stand beside you in this historical event, my friend," Owen mentions quietly with a hand on Josh's shoulder.

"Honor is all mine, my brother from another world. I swear I tell you, Owen, all of this still feels like a nightmare made up in my head." Josh explains, but it seemingly falls on deaf ears.

Finished with his thoughts said aloud, another sudden episode hits Josh head-on as everything begins to vibrate and turn to black and white again, with Nikki's voice rattling all around.

"Josh... come on, babycakes, come back...Hey, guess what, I still love you. Are you there? Joshy, oh Joshy baby. I'm here, and I'm still here by your side..."

What feels like seconds turns out was longer as, by the time he can refocus, they're pulling up along the coastline to Louisiana. Josh's actions go somehow unnoticed as everyone looks at the growing shoreline.

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