Chapter 6 - Down in Dayton

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Within hours of the news of Amber's overdose, the boys sit and wait in her hospital room with Scarlett. Not only does the pressure of Josh and Alexander in the same room still linger around, but animosity surges between James and Scarlett.

Josh senses the hostility and asks Scarlett to escort him to the cafeteria.

"Hey, sis, I'm not sure where I can get a decent cup of coffee. Care to take me down to the cafeteria or somewhere?"

She slides off the bed, wrapping her arms around Josh's to put on a sweet and innocent act.

"Sure thing, bubby, we need to catch up anyways."

They scamper away, which allows Josh time to dive into the realm that is James and Scarlett. Along the way, he's about to learn that everything inside the hospital room was a poorly acted portrayal.

"How have things been and don't lie to me. Every time you lie, your cheeks glow, little lady." Josh reminds her with his arm around her shoulders.

With a heavy sigh and her eyes glued to the floor, Scarlett breaks down, feeling the wave of shame slam over her.

"It's horrible! We're separated right now, and he wants a divorce, and I don't. He's been sleeping with his assistant. She's a 25-year-old little brunette who I would like to strangle. He's been cheating for years, and I finally had enough of it. I can't help it that I work like crazy, but what does he expect? I'm a nurse and a damn good one too!" Scarlett says, still staring at the floor.

"That two-timing dog!" Josh begins insulting James before he gives Scarlett a much-needed confidence boost.

"He's an idiot sweetie, you're still hot and beautiful, and if he doesn't appreciate what you've given and helped him build here, then I say go back and dropkick that asshole."

All she can do at that moment is smile and hug Josh from the side after she wipes her eyes.

"Thank you, and it's no wonder Gweny still thinks you're a wonderful man."

"Well, you know, I don't like to brag or anything, but she's a wonderful woman. Anyway, I'll make sure to talk to James. You're a terrific woman and a loving wife and mother."

Shortly after the compliments, they arrive in the cafeteria, where they're treated to a complimentary cup of coffee. On their way back to the hospital room, they're met with Alex in the hallway. At first glance, Scarlett's heart drops out of her chest as her skin turns to a new shade of white.

"Your presence is requested inside the room." He says in a low tone keeping a blank expression on his face.

"Josh, hang back here with me, please." He states, placing his hand on Josh's chest.

Scarlett heads into the room to discover her daughter sitting up but in rough shape.

"Mom," she groans, trying to focus on Scarlett standing beside the bed.

"Yes, Amber, I'm here, baby."

James steps up, wrapping his arms around his daughter and estranged wife. He's delighted to see Amber sitting up as she begins to recover from the overdose.

A few moments later, Alex and Josh enter the room. Amber tries to focus, but she can't make out who's standing there.

"Hi little darlin', it's been a minute, hasn't it," Josh calls out, helping her recognize his presence.

"Uncle Josh?"

"Yes, my little jewel, it's me."

"Oh my gosh, Uncle Joshy! Come here!" Amber squeals reaching out for him. "Where have you been? What have you been doing? Where are my cousins and Aunt Erin?"

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