Chapter 16 - Detroit Destruction

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Justin and Preach drive to Detroit just after sunrise. They're unaware of the anarchy that gripped ahold all of Chicago.

"Remember we're heading to the old automotive factory district." Preach reminds Justin when they signal to exit.

"I got you, bro, we're good. Hey, mind if we stop for a cup of coffee or get one through a drive-thru. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." Justin says, constantly blinking his heavy crow feet eyes.

"Yeah, sounds wonderful to me; just get us something quick, fast, and in a hurry because this is a huge payday once it's finished. I could use that kind of cash to go on a mission for the church I attend and between us..." Preaches drops his tone to a faint whisper. "Not come back to this and disappear from this life."

Justin nods his head, reaching over to pat Preach on the back.

"You seem like a good guy, Preach, so do it, bro. Make a better difference in people's lives."

After they get a cup of coffee, they arrive with Preach's instructions; they come to a stop in front of the abandoned Packard plant.

"Guess this is the place." Preach, let's out holding out a tiny air horn blowing it a couple of quick times to alert the people inside to open the door to the rhythm of God save the queen.

"Down here!" A voice cries out at the loading dock door that leads underground.

"There!" Preach points for Justin to see where the voice is calling to them.

Slowly Justin creeps down the ramp and into the lower level. The car comes to a halt in the middle of the empty delivery area.

When he shuts off the engine, the sounds of guns cocked surround them and echo throughout the old structure.

"Preach, come on out and give us the code or else we light the two of you up." An order carries from the other side of the floor.

Preach is approached by armed men and taken out of Justin's sight.

"You in the car get out as well to be searched." Justin complies with the orders and keeps his hands up to show no signs of aggression.

He's patted down, and the bug sweeper goes around the GTO.

"He's clean..."

Justin is about to get back in his car when another armed guard slams the door shut the instant he opens it.

"Look, guy, I'm just a delivery driver, nothing more. I ain't even shifted my eyes off my car, so relax." Justin dictates, reaching for the door handle again.

"I don't think so, homeboy." An African American man growls.

"Keep it up, and I will wipe the floor with you, son." Justin threatens, trying to get back into his car, where his gun is placed under the seat.

After the thug hands over his AK-47, he puts his hands up high to motion for Justin to make a move.

"Try it, please I want to fight."

Justin snickers at the invitation. He strikes with a quick strike to the ribcage, followed by a left uppercut to his chin to knock him backward while blurring his opponent's vision. To finish off the quick assault, Justin charges, landing a solid knee strike followed by a thrust to the throat.

A crowd suddenly appears around them as Justin waits for his opponent to come back at him. When he finally snacks back to his senses, he charges at Justin with full speed swinging with a roundhouse kick, only to have Justin wrap his arm around the leg connecting with an elbow strike to the knee. Justin takes him to the ground as a thunderous pop comes from the fighter's kneecap.

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