Chapter 12 - Rage in the Cage

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Owen and his team of four other Interpol agents arrive in Jacksonville and hit the streets posing as tourists. Still in Atlanta, Josh and his team wait for an upcoming set of events set up by Alex's new contact Greg.

When the night arrives, and the fellas meet up in the middle of downtown. There they are met with some other people to test the driving skills of Kyle and Justin. Along with Greg and Alex working out details if they pass the initial assessment.

"Here's the deal, you two, and it's very easy. It's a single lap tag team race. You're going to start here by the Georgia Dome. Drive down Northside here and hit that tight right across Simpson. After that, it's another sharp right turn to Olympic Park Drive that leads into an open area and find your way back here. Both drivers to finish around it first wins the spot and a job." Greg describes clapping his hands together to maintain their undivided attention.

All four drivers acknowledge the instructions and load up in their cars. First up is Kyle in his Lexus. His nerves are on end, not being that experienced in high-stakes street racing.

Kyle fires up the engine to pull up to the light and listens to the details.

"After this cycle, when the light turns green is your signal to go, and oh one more detail. No one's about to shut down these streets, so beware of the fuzz and other cars and people along the way. Good luck!" Greg yells between the cars.

"You got this...You can win this!" Kyle tells himself, rolling up the windows.

After a couple of deep breaths, the light flips, and Greg screams, "GO!" as the late 80's model Monte Carlo lights up the tires, wasting time giving Kyle the lead off the line.

The speed quickly jumps from the turbo as Kyle bangs through the gears until the first turn. The inexperience shows as he locks up with the brakes instead of using the e-brake. That move allows the bright red Chevy to swing wide left to take the lead.

"Son of a bitch!" Kyle screams, downshifting to try to make up space.

It's a cat and mouse game at this point, with Kyle pushing his car as they weave in and out of traffic. The loud Chevy sports coupe continues to slingshot around cars and nearly take out a pedestrian crossing the street. That gives Kyle a much-needed break.

Out of nowhere, a dark streak flies through traffic between the two racers. The roar of a V8 is noticed by people along the street, causing them to pause. That allows Kyle to solely focus on the task at hand as the high speeding vehicle cuts off the Monte Carlo, nearly causing it to crash into the light pole.

"Damnit, Josh! I have this under control!" Kyle says to himself, hammering down the accelerator.

Kyle makes the final turn and passes the line allowing Justin to take off in the GTO. When the other car driver makes his way back, he runs over to Greg to inform him of what he saw.

"Mark, we gotta rogue car out in the race we have tonight. Check it out; it might be nothing but find out if it's something." Greg orders his person to cruise the area to observe the race.

While his unmarked driver makes his way around the connecting streets, the race is still in progress, with Justin maintaining a big lead. The GTO slides with ease around the corners. It's nothing for Justin to finish the race ahead of the 70's honey-gold Camaro Z28.

"WOOH!" Justin screams after crossing the finish line doing donuts as white smoke rolls from his tires. "We won!"

Greg stands nearby, but the party isn't over as sirens are heard in the distance.

"YO! There's five-o coming, scram, all of you!" Greg screams, dashing for his car.

Kyle jumps back into his car and follows Alex and Justin to get away from the authorities. They make it out without being picked up by the police as some of the other bystanders aren't so lucky.

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