Chapter 3 - Hitting the Road

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After a few days, Josh is prepared to head out the door, making his way to Chicago. Before he leaves, there's a special report on that day about Southern Sugar from the national news channel.

"Good evening, I'm Marian Thornburg reporting live from the ANCN studios in New York City. Tonight's topic is no stranger to anyone viewing our program. An exclusive on Southern Sugar and the effects it takes on the body."

"Joy!" Josh screams, rolling his eyes at the report as it seems that the news knows too much about the drug of choice that's killing people every day.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you have children nearby, please send them to another room. These pictures and videos we're about to share with you are graphic and are considered extremely grotesque." The news anchor pauses for a moment before moving to the first photo of a young man with blood streaming from his eyes and mouth on the TV screen.

"The most obvious effect is overdose. Overdosing shows that they have blood leaking from the eyes as if they cry themselves to an early grave. Our field reporters have come back with statements from eyewitnesses about how terrifying that witness this first hand."

As the reporter shares stories from people who witness the overdoses on the streets, they play amateur videos shot by bystanders to those who have died in the public eye with some gruesome results after they stop flailing their bodies. These images burn in Josh's mind watching as people die, sometimes within seconds and others suffering for several minutes.

"Jesus, have mercy!" He says when he sees a teenager around the same age as Connor flopping uncontrollably on a Manhattan sidewalk.

"This is insanity pure and simple, but how in the hell am I supposed to stop this?" He asks himself just before a knock comes from the door.

By the time he sees who's there, he notices a Fed Ex truck pulls away. That's when it dawns on him that his package has arrived from his Director. Kneeling to get the box, Josh takes it over to the coffee table, dropping it on the hard-oak top.

After he rips the tape off the box, he flips up the cardboard fold to discover only two badges other than his own that he left on his bosses' desk. He sees a set of burner cell phones, a letter, and a stamped form authorizing the use of lethal force. Josh picks up the letter reading it aloud.

"Agent Bradshaw, I could only persuade Senator Suiter to give me two authorized badges along with your own. Make it count the entire country is counting on your team to close this case finally. I sent Dave undercover as well. He picked up a tip to head down to Atlanta. I have here two phones that will connect you to my secure line. Contact word if you get burnt or need backup, then use the codeword 'Cherry Jam,' and I will use what resources I can locate wherever you need them. One last item for this case is a contact number for your friend and contact from Interpol. He has a special ops team waiting for any assistance you may require. I have also started my investigation into the government's leak within the FBI, NSA, and CIA heads. Corruption has gripped DC, and it could nearly cripple everyone here, so be careful. God's speed to you and your team. Director Foxx"

When he's finished with the letter, he takes it to the kitchen. He pulls a lighter from a drawer igniting it to cover his tracks. Josh watches as it burns in the kitchen sink and sends the remaining pieces down the drain.

With a stroke of his hand through his hair, Josh heads into the bedroom, where he picks up the old family photo and kisses it.

"I wish you were still here, Erin. Connor misses you, and I miss my best friend. I haven't been the same since you have been gone." After he finishes, he returns to the living room, placing the delivery items into his bag. He tosses the bag over his shoulder and heads out to his car. Once he's comfy in his seat, he fires up the engine but gets one last glance in at his ranch-style home.

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