Mei and Lien's Secret Maid

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The third chapter is here. Sorry I haven't updated yesterday. I was busy doing chores! I hope you could forgive me.

What Kiku didn't know, Ai-Ting was a traveller. She had taken a rest for a few years, and now, she will be travelling the whole world again. This time, she was going to Malaysia for a 5 day trip.

"Make sure you three don't make any mess while I'm gone. You don't need a maid, right? You're old enough to take care of yourselves."

Mei complained, but Ai-Ting scolded her. "You should be ashamed of yourself! You're already 19, you won't be needing any maid."

Mei had nothing to do but to follow her mother. Soon as Ai-Ting left, the girls walked in their rooms to take a nap. Kiku walked outside of her room to get herself a glass of water when she noticed a pile of mess from the whole house. "It's been a minute since oka-san left, but the house is already this messy!"

She sighed and took a broom from the closet and started sweeping the floor. After that, she walked into the closet to get a mop and filled the bucket with water. As soon as she was finished, she walked back to her room only to find out the girls rummaging her drawers.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!" Kiku was on the point of shouting. The girls looked at her, holding her precious possessions. "Why did you have these?" Lien was holding her precious jewelry box and opened the lid.

"Give that back! Oto-san gave that to me. You have your own part so please don't mess up with mine."

The girls just ignored her and walked out of her room, with the jewelry box in Lien's hands. Kiku ran up after them, but Mei pushed her away. "Fuck off, bitch! You should be cleaning the whole house and not acting like a princess!"

Kiku managed to stand up and pushed Mei. "What right do you have to take my possessions? And who told you I was the one cleaning all of your stupid messes?! You should be the one cleaning them!"

The girls were startled by Kiku's abrupt shouting, but fought back. Lien slapped her hard. "You don't give a damn about these jewelries! And don't you dare answer us that way!! If I, or Mei, heard you shouting like that for one more time, we'll kick you out of this house. No matter mùqīn scolded us. Understood?"

Kiku wanted to fight back, but decided not to. "Yes. I understand!"

"Good!" Mei demanded like a boss. "From now on, you'll have to follow my, I mean, our orders. Hear that?"

Kiku could only nod. She stood up. She was about to go to her room when Lien grabbed her arms. "Just where do you think you're going, Missy? You still have to clean the rooms. Don't expect that your job is done. Go back to work!!!!"

Kiku couldn't protest, so she walked up to the girls' rooms and started cleaning. By the time the rooms were finished, she walked to the bathroom and cleaned it. In fact, she cleaned the whole house, from the front to the back. She grew so tired, she wanted to take a rest. She walked onto her room, but was stopped again by one of the girls. "You sleeping already? Lunch hasn't arrived yet, you need to cook right now. We're hungry.

She was too tired to work, but too tired to argue. She immediately walked into the kitchen and cooked. The lunch was served half an hour later, and Kiku decided to call the girls.

The girls descended down the stairs and onto the table. Just as they saw the food, they began complaining. "Is there any other food you can cook instead of these? I've had enough of it!"

Kiku couldn't take anymore. "That is the only thing left in the fridge. What would you expect me to cook? Rocks?!"

Lien lost her temper and throwed the food on Kiku. Her face and clothes were smuddered up with the gooey surface of the food. "I'd rather go hungry than to eat your stupid cooking!" They stood up and protested to their rooms, banging the door shut.

Kiku's face was still dirty, and decided to wipe it out. Her tears fell and she angrily fixed the table. She washed the plates and cleaned the messy floor. She took a bath after that, and went on her room, crying. She wanted to tell Ai-Ting about it, but she feared that the girls might threaten to kill her next time if she told her. So, she decided to stay quiet and locked herself for 15 minutes.

15 minutes had turned to 3 hours but Kiku was still in her room. She decided she would stay for another hour before going out.

As she went out of her room, she was met by silence. Seems like she couldn't hear her sisters' voices. "They must be out for a while." She walked to finish some mess in the whole house before cooking lunch.


Her sisters went home with food already prepared on the table. Kiku was finished eating and she was just waiting for her sisters to eat. Just as the girls were finished eating, Kiku immediately fixed the table, washed the dishes, cleaned the house, and opened the stereo for the mood to lighten up.

Her sisters were on their room, suddenly irritated at the music they were hearing downstairs. The music was a bit low in volume, but it can be heard at the whole house. They walked downstairs and turned the stereo off, followed by the loud cracking of it. "Next time, don't turn on the stereo. We can't concentrate in that crappy old music."

"Sorry!" Kiku continued her chores with a sudden boring mood. After the chores, she walked out of the house with the money she had from her father and went to the market to buy some ingredients for tonight's dinner.

She stumbled and almost face planted on the floor when she tried battling with the other customers who happens to be in the same aisle as hers. She went home with an almost tear up clothes and a sweaty face. It will be 4 hours before dinner so she decided to take a short nap. She looked at her clock. It was written 4:12. Still early. She walked on her room to get some blankets and walked over to the couch and took a nap.


She was shaken awake by her sisters, who seems to be in an angry rage. "Why the hell are you sleeping? You must be cooking by now." Kiku flutter her eyes open. "What time is it?"

"You don't hell know that it's already 9:05. It's almost an hour since we started waking you up. What are you just laying down there?! Get up and cook!"

Kiku stumbled as she struggled to stand and walked into the kitchen. 15 minutes later, the dinner is already prepared. The girls walked down and ate until all were empty. Kiku did the same thing after eating, cleaned the house a little bit, washed herself before changing in her pajamas. She leaned over her balcony and sighed. "I wish oka-san goes home. I already miss her."

Indeed, Kiku misses her. 4 more days, and Ai-Ting will be home. She only needed to wait for the days to pass by, and all of her problems will be gone.


It took me a few days thinking of some next parts. Sorry if it took so long. Crappy home works, shitty school works, and fucking parents. My life was half ruined, and I couldn't find some ways to fix this old problem of mine. You won't expect me to publish early. As long as my problems were still in mess, I'll have to take care of them first before this story. Thanks.


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