The New Neighbor

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So, just as I promised, I'm back. This is the new chapter I'm publishing. Hope you liked them!


Today was the day that Ai-Ting went back home. The girls were really happy for their mother's comeback. The boxes full of chocolates was on the table, and one by one, the girls were carrying them on their rooms.

"Don't forget to give Kiku at least two boxes, ok?"

The girls didn't hesitated. They just walked into their rooms, carrying boxes. Kiku sneaked up and took her two boxes and sprinted to her room before the girls came back.

When she opened the box, she was happy to see all the chocolates strewn there. Good thing that her father bought a mini fridge for her room, so she immediately put all the chocolates inside. She took out a large Cadbury and started chomping on it. She hummed in amazement as she tasted the chewy nuts inside the aforementioned food.

As she finished, she walked into the kitchen and took her drinks. Her sisters scolded her but their mother hissed at them and alluring Kiku to go back into her room.

She drank the contents of the bottle and put the rest on the fridge. She laid down on the bed, letting out a sigh. Finally, I can rest for a few days. She shifted on her bed and minutes later, sleep consumed her.

She was awoken a few hours later by a large truck passing on their house, stopping on the house next door. Curious, Kiku ascended down the stairs and looked outside. Ai-Ting and the girls were already outside, curiously looking at the new neighbor.

Kiku gasped in shock as she saw their new neighbor. It was Alfred. The one she met on the fountain park. The girls fell in love with Alfred, but Kiku didn't mind.

Alfred glanced up at Kiku and walked towards her. "Hey, I haven't known that you lived here. I wish you told me about it."

Kiku chuckled, stroking back the hair that had fallen on her face. "Sorry about that, Alfred-san. Don't worry, I might tell you all about it next time."

Both chuckled. Ai-Ting walked at the two of them, putting both hands on each shoulder. "How come you two know each other."

Kiku looked into her, determination in her eyes. "We just met a few days ago. In the fountain park."

Ai-Ting stated at Alfred, then on her. "I see." She patted Alfred's shoulder. "Well, it's nice meeting you. Hope you two can be friends. And, if you try courting her, just talk to me before doing it."

"Not gonna happen." Alfred chuckled before going away to help his parents pack. The girls were dumbfounded, staring into the blank space. Mei leaned in and whispered at her. "Looks like war was coming."

Lien was in rage, but composed herself to calm down. She doesn't want their mother grounding them because of a simple jealousy. "Don't mind that. We still have time later, or tomorrow, to be exact." The girls sprinted into their rooms and laid on their beds.

Ai-Ting was so excited to meet the parents, so she pulled out five chocolate bars and walked over their house. She knocked lightly and after a few seconds, the door was opened.

She was met by long hair, thick eyebrows, and a grumpy expression. It was a girl, probably Alfred's sister. The girl smiled as she saw Ai-Ting and Kiku on their front door. She let them in, and walked into the kitchen to make some hot tea.

Alfred walked out of his room, just to see Kiku sitting on the couch. He waved up a hand and walked into the kitchen. Later, the girl returned with two cups of tea. She sat across them, drinking her own tea.

"Before I forgot, I'm Alice. Alfred's mother."

Ai-Ting choked on her cup of tea while Kiku was drinking with wide eyes. Alice looked at them in confusion.

"Is there any problem with my tea?"

Both shook their heads and Ai-Ting gave her an apologetic smile. "It's just that, we thought that you're his sister. I was too surprised when I found out that you're a mother. Your beauty doesn't tell you."

Alice blushed at the compliment and drank on her tea. Minutes later, a guy with the long hair showed up, along with another guy with glasses, hvaing the same resemblance as Alfred, but with different features. His hair was a bit like the guy he was with, and his curl was a bit longer, almost reaching his chin.

The guys sat beside Alice, who was busy drinking her tea. The two introduced themselves as Francis and Matthew. Alfred then came up, sitting beside the trio. Francis happily offered them a meal, which the two happily obliged. Few minutes later, the two said their goodbyes and walked home, carrying a pot of pot-au-feu(I don't know the spelling) and served it as the girls' dinner.

The next day, Alfred was on Kiku's front door, knocking several times. Ai-Ting immediately opened up, smiling after spotting Alfred. He immediately walked in, respectfully sitting on one of the cushioned sofas.

Lien was on the kitchen, probably observing the visitor. She sighed in happiness as Alfred looked at her. She just stood there, watching him do everything. Her smile faded as she saw Alfred walking out of the house.

Kiku, on the other hand, was very happy after finding out that Alfred had visited. She couldn't stop the abrupt smile that was coming out of her lips. Mei snorted in anger, but controlled her temper.


Ai-Ting and the girls were invited to come over the Kirkland-Bonnefoy residence. Seems like the two families were getting in contact now. They were very close that no one could separate them.

Kiku was already close with Matthew and their parents, same with the two girls. Everyday, Alfred and Matthew would visit Kiku and have a nice little "talk." But, Mei and Lien always gets in the way whenever Kiku and Alfred were about to talk.


Here in the country where I reside, the time is 12:32. So that means, it's already Monday here. Now, this is my new update and, as I always say, hope you liked it.

I do not own Hetalia and the characters. The plot is the only one I own. Have a nice fluff, fluffy bunnies.


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