First Date, First Love

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I hope you would enjoy the continuation of the date. I won't be mentioning some AmeriPan scenes, just Ivan x Mei and Matthew x Julchen. FrUk part may be mentioned on the next chapter. That's all. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


It's been almost 5 minutes of awkward silence and no one seems to be speaking up. Matthew decided that he would now break the endless silence forming between the two of them.

"I-I'm so so-sorry. M-My momma was a-acting a bit we-weird right now. I hope you could forgive her."

Julchen smiled her trademark smiles and answered with a nod. "I'm beginning to like your parents, they are a bit comfortable to talk to. I hope I still have my parents. If only they didn't pass away."

Matthew was intrigued by those words. Out of curiosity, he asked Julchen about it. Julchen lowered her smile, and sadness filled her whole face. "As you see, me and my bruder had been living a peaceful life with our parents. We had been the happiest family in the whole neighborhood. Until one day..." She trailed off, swallowing the lump forming on her throat. She proceeded to speak. "Ludwig, my brother, and I had been happily watching a movie on a certain cinema, when suddenly, a phone call was given by the cashier of the said place. The police was the one who answered. They said... they found their bodies on a tree.. they had been in a car accident.. and... and I... and I can't accept the fact that they were gone. I was still hoping they would be back from the dead, so we can be a happy family again."

Julchen was sobbing uncontrollably, and Matthew had no idea on how to make her stop. He looked left and right, tried to think of the way to make HER girl to stop crying. He had thought of an idea, and he immediately did it.

While Julchen kept on sobbing, she felt warm arms cover her pale, weak body. He jolted upright and saw Matthew comfortably hugging her. At first she was surprised, then she hugged back and laid on the Canadian's shoulder and continued crying there. As minutes passed by, Julchen felt a bit calmed and comfortable. Matthew was so happy for this.

They finally summoned a waiter, who happily picked up their orders. After a few minutes, the waiter came back with the food they ordered, and their date went out to be perfectly fine.

After the date, Julchen and Matthew was in front of Julchen's home. Julchen was thanking him for being a kind man. He gave a kiss on Julchen, which she happily kissed back.

As they went home, Matthew was opening the front gate when he saw Mei and Ivan cuddling in the bench in front of their house. He smiled at them, before entering the house.

~~~~~~~~Mei and Ivan's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~

Mei was happily cuddling Ivan and Ivan was happily cuddling back. They are finally ready to tell their parents about the upcoming wedding. Ivan had proposed on Mei 8 days ago, and they were ready to tell each of their parents about the said event.

As they told their parents about it, they happily celebrated and decided about the upcoming wedding. They even treat themselves as best friends.

The couple were very happy with their parents' agreements. They were snuggled up in a dimly lit room, Mei falls fastly asleep and Mei busily brushes his hand to the Taiwanese's hair. He sighed, relieved that their parents didn't disagree. They decided to be married after 4 months, and it would be a very long time for some preparations. Ivan keeps on brushing Mei's hair until he finally fell asleep.


Sorry for making it short. ^^; i really can't think of something to say right now. So, I hope you enjoyed reading. That's all. I love you, goodbye.

Lovingly yours,


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