Past Experience

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Hehehe.. back again. I really don't know why I came up with the title.

Btw, new characters will be mentioned in this chapter. I might not reveal her name until the next chapter, but I'm guessing that you might already know the character based on my description towards him/her.

Now, hope you enjoyed.


She was awakened by a loud music coming from somewhere. She suddenly got up and saw a scary man with an onomatopeic laugh. She started screaming for help. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was on her room, with no man laughing. She sighed in relief. "Gracious! It's just a dream! I thought there was really this giant scary man."

Just then, she was glomped by an unknown force. She screamed and looked around, but she couldn't see the creature/person. While struggling for her freedom, she had that familiar laugh in her dreams. She shook in fear and tried ignoring the laugh.

After a few minutes, the man showed up. He was wearing a long coat, along with a pink scarf. He had a platinum blond hair, making it look like silver. Kiku screamed in vengeance.

Ai-Ting immediately sprinted on her room and laughed after seeing Kiku's pale scared face. Kiku looked at her in confusion. "Why are you laughing so much, oka-san?! Can't you see that this man was treapassing on my room? Why is he here? Who is he?! Do I know him? Do we know him?!"

Ai-Ting nearly cried because of laughing. She wiped the tears that were nearly falling and spoke. "I forgot to tell you that my friend's son was going to visit here. Now, here he is."

The said man just smiled childishly. Kiku was awed with the man's cuteness, making her blush a little. The man immediately stood up and shook hands with Kiku.

"We are going to my house, da."

Kiku gaped her mouth open. "What are we going to do to his house, oka-san?"

"We are going to visit my friend there. It's been 3 years since I last saw her."

Kiku heaved a sigh. "Am I allowed to stay here? I'm not on the mood to take a walk outside. Besides, I'm a bit sick."

Ai-Ting shook his head in annoyance. "You are going to come, whether you like it or not. It might be a reason for your flu to be gone."


They were finally on the man's house. Kiku groaned as he got down the car and looked around. The house was a bit big. It was like a three 1 story house being put together. It was wide, wider than the park Kiku was going everyday. It was obvious that the owner was rich. 3 cars on the driveway, and the garden that was as big as Kiku's house, and a pool that can fit more than 20 people. Kiku gaped in awe while her eyes scanned the whole house.

All of a sudden, the owner of the house, which was obviously the young man's family, came out and smiled. The man, who claims to be Scarf Boy's father, was wearing a smile that doesn't suit him. Scarf Boy's mother ran towards Ai-Ting and hugged her tightly.

"Oh my, Ai-Ting!! It's been three years and you still haven't changed! I miss you so much!" The said Chinese hugged back, happiness plastered on her face.

"So, how are you? I hope that your daughters were not giving you any pain."

Ai-Ting sighed. "Actually, only one of them were kind. The other two makes me so pissed off. It looks like I had grown 15 years older because of naughtiness."

Scarf Boy's mother, let's just call her Cathrina, laughed a little. "Good thing my girls were not naughty like them. They seemed to be more serious than their son."

"Speaking of my girls, how are your girls? It's been a long time since haven't seen the two of them."

Cathrina gestured for the girls to come inside. As they entered the large house, Ai-Ting and Kiku's mouths fell wide open. The house so wide that you can almost fill a lot of things there.

They sat down on a large couch, making it look like a bed. "Make yourself at home. You are the visitor, by the way." Cathrina summoned a maid and asked her to fetch them some tea and a few biscuits to munch.

There was an awkward silence among the five of them. Ai-Ting suddenly breaks the silence by asking a sensable question. "So, how did you manage to become this wealthy?"

Cathrina giggled before answering the question. "Well, there are a lot of circumstances and obstacles that had happened before we manage to have this kind of life. Well, as you can see, years ago when I was 10, both my parents died in a car accident. I took care of myself for almost 3 years until an average family adopted me. I thought that I would be living a happy life with my foster parents but there is a certain fact that didn't know about them." She sighed before comtinuing. "My parents were actually criminals. The police had been searching for them for almost 3 years, and seems like they had changed their names and identity. After I found out about their real information, they started to act cruel on me. They would beat me up and drown my head into a bucket of cold water and they would lock me in the basement for 25 days without food and water. Because of that, I tried to escape, but I failed. I tried it for a second time, and succeeded. 5 years had passed and I heard no more about them." She paused for a bit.

"Come on, speak it out. I wanted to hear more." Ai-Ting was urging Cathrina to continue with her story.

"So, after escaping from my foster parents, I tried a few ways to make myself survive. I tried looking for work but I failed for almost 5 times. Then, there is a certain day that I met you, Ai-Ting, and you helped me a lot! Remember the time we first had an argument?"

Ai-Ting nodded and Cathrina continued. "That was the day I met Alexander(Scarf Boy's father, btw). He was the other who helped me with my complications and after 5 years, he asked me to be his wife which I gladly accepted, and now, this is were I ended."

Ai-Ting was wiping fake tears while Kiku was amazed by Cathrina's story. Half an hour later, two girls walked over them with plastered smile on their faces. The girl with the long hair sat down beside her brother and snuggled on him, making the other groan in protest. The other girl with a big bust sat down beside her mother with a gleaming smile.

"By the way, these are the girls that we were talking about Kiku." Ai-Ting pointed at the girls.

Kiku gave the girls a small smile which was gladly accepted by the girl with a large bust. The girl with a long hair glared daggers at her, making Kiku flinch and look away.

They spent almost a few hours on the house and later, they decided to go home.

"Don't you want to stay here for dinner?" Cathrina asked, pouting a bit.

"The girls are probably waiting for us. Maybe we can stay here for dinner next time."

Cathrina smiled and joined them outside. The rich family's driver rode them home. As soon as they reach their house, Kiku walked towards the kitchen and started helping her mother prepare dinner. Soon as they were finished, the girls immediately went downstairs and started eating dinner.

After a few minutes of silence, Mei, who was slowly being kind to Kiku, asked her. "So, how was your trip to the house?"

Kiku was taken aback, by Mei's kindness, but answered anyway. "Well, we were just talking. I can't even notice that Cathrina-san had experienced a lot of hardships, especially a lot of experiences in her childhood."

"Hm. Seems interesting." Mei smiled before returning in her meal. Lien glared at Kiku while busy eating. The night went on and on.


Ooh. So much ugliness. Seems like I'm going to let Mei nicer on the next chapter. And I will reveal the names of Cathrina's children, even though you already know them.

Well, that's all for now. Ta ta, fluffy bunnies. :3


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