Searching for Lien and Lien's First Kiss

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Hehehe!! It's me again, and as you can see, I'm updating the next chapter. I don't know why, but it feels like I'm on the mood for writing. And, would you look at that? I already published chapters in a day. I felt so happy.

Now, on with the story.


It's been 5 days since Lien was not going out of her room, and Ai-Ting was very worried about it. So, she decided to check on her. As soon as her hand reached the knob, she realized that the door was unlocked, so she opened it.

She saw no one in the room, only a few things that Lien owns. She searched the entire room but Lien was nowhere to be found. The worried Ai-Ting had become very worried and started tearing the entire house. But, bad luck, Lien was nowhere to be seen. She nearly went insane, but if Kiku and Mei did not come around, she would go totally insane.

As soon as one of them touches her, she pulled one of them into a tight hug, crying into her shoulders.

"Oka-san, what's the problem? Why are you crying?"

Ai-Ting kept on hugging her, crying. "Lien was not here. She must've ran away from home. I searched the whole house, including her room, but she was nowhere to be seen. I was so worried, what if she was tortured out there or something?" She hugs tighter and Kiku keeps on comforting her.

"We'll help you find her, mother! Don't worry!"

Ai-Ting suddenly gained some hope and smiled. "Thank you so much, Kiku. I'm glad that you have come into your father's life."

The flustered brunette hugged her mother again.


Ivan's family had already called the police and Alfred and his family was tearing the whole town to find Lien. Kiku, Mei, and Ai-Ting were also looking, hoping that Lien was still safe and alive.

That night, everyone returned, but there was no sign of Lien. Alfred gave a goodbye kiss to Kiku before going in. Ai-Ting almost lost hope, but with Kiku and Mei encouraging her, she can't give up.

The next day, they went on for searching again, but Lien was really nowhere to be found. They tried to ask help from the people, but whatever they do, they still couldn't find Lien. Ai-Ting had given up, sitting on the corner and crying.

"Lien, where are you? Please come back! I'm really sorry. I should've listened. I'm so sorry. I won't do it again, just, please come back." She buried her face on her hands and kept on crying.

Kiku and Mei did their best to make their mother stop from crying, but it only got worse. It's been 2 days since Lien had been gone missing, but Kiku won't give up until she finds her sister, even if she had hurt her for a long time.

~~~~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~~~

Kiku was on the verge of crying. She searched even the outside of town, but still, she couldn't find her. "This is all my fault. If I had just treated her nicely, we wouldn't be in this situation right now."

Alfred, who was still searching for Lien's presence, noticed a crying Kiku  on the bench. He walked up over her and tried to comfort her. "Don't give up, Keeks. I'm sure we can find your sister someday."

Kiku wiped her tears away, and felt a bit comfortable. It's been 3 hours since they have been looking so they decided to call it a day.

< hehe.. if you would excuse me, I'm going to write Lien's life here.. i hope you understand what I mean. >

Lien was walking downstairs and noticed Sunan peeking out on the window. He sighed desperately and just stayed there.

"Sunan, are you alright? I noticed you peeking out that window. Anything ok?"

The Thai looked towards her, a sad smile on his face. "Just a past. Nothing to worry about."

This made Lien curious. "Can you please tell me about it?" Sunan wanted to protest, but he was too tired so he told all about it.

"Well, as you can see, I ran away from home. My parents couldn't let me have my own freedom. I was always locked up in my room and I will only go out whenever something important was happening. I complained at them but they didn't listen to me. So, I decided to run away, and now. I'm here. It's been 19 days since I have been here. I miss my family."

Lien showed a hint of pity towards him. "I feel the same way to."

The confused Thai looked up. "I ran away from my mom 3 days ago. I also had the same reason like you. Except that I can go out whenever I wanted. They were probably worried, but couldn't come back there. You will be left alone here."

Sunan hugged her, which made the Vietnamese surprised. She immediately hugged back. Realizing what had happened, both pulled away, with blush on their faces.

"I'm sorry about that, Lien. I couldn't handle it any longer."

"Couldn't handle what?"

Sunan took a deep breath before saying, "I'm in love with you." It made Lien gasp in surprise. A small blush was formed on her cheeks as she confessed back. Sunan smiled and leaned on Lien and kissed her. Lien happily kissed back and snuggled at him. They swore that they would never leave each other and they would stay together, forever.


(///▽///)(*≧∇≦*) *crazily fangirling* i can't handle it.. i really love ThaiViet!! ♡▼♡ for those people out there who ships them, let's celebrate!!!! *throws colorful confettis all around*

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