Kiku, Who Would You Pick

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I'm back, and I decided to end this story after a few chapters. I will end up Japan with America, because they're my OTP. ≧▼≦ well, enough talking and here's the new chapter.

I'm sorry it was uploaded late. This chapter was actually before "The Complicated Decision". I'm so sorry.


Kiku was a bit traumatized at the past events, and was still afraid if something wrong might happen again. She can only blame herself if those things got worse.

On the other side, Alfred and Heracles were still sharing the same room. He just couldn't accept the fact that the man he was in a room with was having a crush on his "girlfriend." Though they're weren't officially in a relationship, Alfred felt like calling her HIS girlfriend.

Heracles, who was busy slouching on his bed, kept groaning whenever some of his body part hurts. Alfred just ignored him, wanting the Greek to experience more pain until he passed away, so no one would ever steal her away from him.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*author's note*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

I almost forgot the PruCan, so I'll add it up here. =D

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-end of author's note*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Matthew had been slumping on his bed for months, waiting for some girl to love him. He had been, in fact, envious at his brother, who was enjoying every moment with Kiku. Matthew tried to suit the Japanese, but just brushed it off, so there will be no more fight.

As he was still slumping on the bed, a bright bulb popped over his head. He quickly rummaged through his closet and started wearing nice outfits. He quickly got out of the house and started walking everywhere. He tried to catch some attention from the girls, but seems that no one was responding. At first, Matthew tried to court Katyusha, but Katyusha busted him because he was already in a relationship with Gary, a rich Hungarian boy. Matthew felt jealousy spark over him and decided to leave Katyusha with her man.

Seems that no one has been noticing him, so he decided to go home. He was bumped into someone. He quickly got up and helped the stranger, when suddenly, his indigo eyes met a ruby red ones. When realization strikes, he eventually helped the girl.

"I'm so sorry for my inconvenience. I hadn't noticed you walking along my way. I was too lazy to look everywhere, so I bumped into you. I'm so so so so sorry. I promise I won't do it. Besides, you look definitely cute in your form.

Matthew's eyes widen as he processes those words in his head. He was flattered by the compliment. "Thank you for complimenting my outfit today."

"Your welcome." She said as she lets out a brief smile. "Oh, and before I forgot, I'm Julchen Beilschmidt. And yours?"

"Matthew Williams."

She gave her trademark smile once again and handed him a paper. "If you have nothing to do, feel free to call me. I shall take my leave now. My brother was calling me."

Matthew waved a goodbye, and Julchen disappeared out of sight. Matthew clutched the paper in his chest, and smiled with contentment. He finally had a girl to love. He went home with a big smile on his face, making his parents weirded out.

"Matthew, are you alright? What's with the big smile on your face?"

Matthew, realizing that he was smiling weirdly, came back into realization. "O////////O umm, I was, I.... I, umm... I met this beautiful girl, and... and she gave me h-her n-number." He was blushing furiously, making Francis smile.

"Ahh, seems like mon Matthieu already has a love life. That was so sweet."

Matthew blushed again, earning a giggle from Alice. "It's alright with us, Matthew. We were expecting you to marry a girl. How about if you showed us who this girl might be?"

Matthew nodded. He sprinted in his room and immediately called the number. It took him a few rings before he heard her precious voice.

"What seems to be the problem?"
"Umm, sorry if I interrupted you, but, could you please go here tomorrow? My parents wanted to see you here, if it's alright with you."
"Well, I would love to. Meet me at 8 am. I am going to tell my brother about this."

After hanging up, Matthew sighed in happiness. She finally convinced a girl to go with him. On the very next day, he immediately went towards Julchen's house, of course, with the help of Julchen through calling.

Arriving at their home, Matthew treated his visitor specially. They talked about common things, asking simple questions, and everything. Today went out to be perfect, without any interruptions.

~~~~~~~~back to Heracles, Kiku, and Alfred~~~~~~~~

Kiku decided to visit the two boys and check if they were alright. When she entered the room, she saw the boys arguing over something, and they couldn't stop. Kiku tried to stop them, but seems like their fight was still ongoing. Kiku had enough of this, so she shouted, making the two stop.

"Can you just please settle down? There's nothing to fight with now."

Heracles and Alfred looked at her amgrily, asking the question, "Who do you love more? Him or me?"

Kiku was so surprised at the question that he stayed speechless. Again, the boys asked the same question, but it was more demanding.

Kiku, finally gaining his courage, looked at the two boys with determination, and finally answered the question. "I know that one of you might be hurt or affected, but I must only choose one. I'm sorry, but, I really love..."


Huehuehuehue... Cliffies, oh how I love to make one, but i'm not a bit of good making one. Welp, you already know who Japan might be picking. It was obvious right from the start. But, will Matthew and Julchen end up together. Let's find out on the next chapter.

Oh, and btw, the next chapter will be for the love triangle, and for Matthew. I will mention some FrUk and RusTai. Seems like ThaiViet won't be appearing in this one, so, that's all. Whoever was reading this note, thank you so much for the time. Well, guess I should take my leave. Have a blessed day/night, fluffy bunnies.

Lovingly yours,


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