Mei and Ivan

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So i'm going to dedicate this chapter for Mei and Ivan. I find them really cute towards each other. So, for all of Taiwan or Russia haters, fuck off!! Hehe..
:) so, here you go..

And you can't blame me if I write too many chapters in a day. I was a bit energetic for now.


It's been 20 days since Lien's disappearance and everyone, including Ai-Ting, was starting to give up. Mei was really worried at her sister and wishing that she would return.

Mei was on the park bench, crying silently. She does not want other people to see her crying, so she buried her face and pretended that she was sleeping. Many people easily caught her pranking, but Ivan didn't. He sat down next to the Taiwanese and sighed. "I know how it feels to lose a sister."

Mei immediately looked up, tears staining on her face. "How did you know I was crying?"

"It was obvious." He sighed again. "I remember the time when Natalya ran away from home."

Mei looked at him again. "She did?! Why?"

~~~~~~~~~~~flashback time~~~~~~~~~~~

Ivan was busy sleeping on his comfy bed when he was awakened by the door creaking open. He opened one eye and saw Natalya coming towards his bed. He pretended to fall asleep so the other one would leave. But, Natalya didn't. "Brat*, I know you're awake! Don't pretend that you're sleeping!"

Ivan winced, and finally woke up. "What do you want from me? I'm already sleeping so don't disturb me from my slumber!"

Natalya was taken aback. "I just wanted to stay beside you. I was havin-"

"Screw your nightmares. They were all just a bullshit. Go to your room, I don't want to see you right now."

Natalya scoffed. "If you're not going to let me sleep beside you, I'm leaving this house."

"Go ahead. Leave if you want. I don't care." Ivan slowly returned to his slumber. Natalya was wide-eyed, tears fallimg on every part of her face. She wiped them and sprinted out of the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~

"I never thought that she would take it seriously."

Mei was listening intently to Ivan's story. "And when did she come back?"

"We were still kids back then, probably around 5, and she finally returned home after 18 days. I was so happy and she finally got back. I hope your sister will, too."

Mei smiled at him and wiped her tear stained cheeks. "Yeah, I wish she returns. I will be waiting for her." She smiled at Ivan, making the latter smiled back. Ivan stood up. "How about if I take you home, da?"

Mei nodded and immediately stood up. When they were on Mei's home, Ivan got out of his car and walks towards Mei. Mei, on the other hand, was a bit surprised. "Is there anything you still wanted, Ivan?"

Ivan smiled. "There is one thing." He leaned forward and gave Mei a light smack on the lips before driving away. Mei, too shocked to move, placed one of her fingers on her lips and smiled wide. For her, today had been a great day.


I really planned to make it short. After all, this chapter was for Mei and Ivan. Just wait for the next chapters.


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