Making Friends

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This is the next chapter. I don't know how many chapters I had made. But please, do enjoy reading them.


Kiku was not very friendly. The only friend that she has was Alfred, and her precious teddy bear. She has been keeping bear since she was a little kid. Her father gave it to her on her 3rd birthday. She finds it so precious that she never took harm of it.

Until now, she was still clutching the bear whenever she goes to sleep. Whenever she wakes up, she was still holding it, not planning to let it go. Until one day, the girls saw the bear that their sister had been keeping so they decided to throw it away, wanting to depress their sister.

There is a trash can in front of their house and they immediately throw it away and returned home. When night came, Kiku shouted, making their mother startled. Ai-Ting went to her room to assure what was happening.

"Pooboo was missing.!!"

Ai-Ting raised her an eyebrow. "Pooboo?! Who's that?!"

"Pooboo is my teddy bear. I have been keeping him since I was 3. I swore I just put him on my bed. But now, he's gone."

Ai-Ting snorted, trying to hold back laughter. "Seriously?! You're mourning over a lost teddy bear? Kiku, you're old enough to cry over a Teddy bear."

"But, Oka-san..."

"Kiku, get on with it already. It's just a bear. Stuffed toys can't talk. You should get along with people, not toys. You've been keeping that doll for 13 years. Move on with it."

Kiku couldn't do it. She really loves her bear with all her heart and she will not give up until she found it. She didn't sleep for a night looking for the doll.

When she was putting the trashes on the bin, she saw her doll scattered along with the other contents. The doll was ripped into pieces. Kiku was raged, knowing who did it.

As she entered back at the house, she grabbed Lien's hoodie. "Why did you throw Pooboo? How dare you do it to my only friend?!"

Lien just laughed. "You're such a child! We just throw it because you're too old to play with it. You're already 16, so stop it."

Kiku clenched tighter, almost wanting to choke Lien. "I may be 16 already, but age doesn't matter. I loved Pooboo. And, after what you did, you'll never regret it."

Mei held her tightly. "We'll never regret it, because I already cornered you."

Kiku groped, trying to get away from them. Until a faint knock on the door was heard. Kiku finally broke free and ran into the door. The figure of Alfred appeared into the doorway.

"Alfred-san. Why are you here? And why are you wearing such formal clothes?"

Alfred beamed. "Let's go to the park. My friends are waiting there."

"F-Friends? Y-You have friends?"

"Of course. Everyone has, even you."

"I-I don't have any friends. My only friend was Pooboo."

"Pooboo? That's the silliest name I ever heard. It' s not even compatible for a boy's name."

Kiku scowled. "Pooboo is a bear. A teddy bear. I don't have human friends. My only friend was him."

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