Lien's Freedom

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Hehe. I remembered that I told you I will be posting two chapters on a day. Well, I changed my mind. I'm going to make it 3, or 4. I don't care. Well, here you go. Enjoy!!


Lien was locking herself on her room. Things had been changing as the days are passing. She felt like she was alone, because her sister keeps on avoiding her. She already knew about Mei having a crush on Ivan. She disagrees with this, but her mother was scolding her whenever she gives her opinions.

Lien's feelings for Alfred was slowly fading away. She was beginning to like someone, but Ai-Ting was protesting her. She said she was not allowed to love anyone.

That's not fair. Kiku and Mei can love whoever they wanted while me, why am I not allowed to love? Can she give me freedom to love whoever I wanted. I need to do something. I need to fight. I have to prove her that I am not a girl who was going to be tortured just because I was mean. I'll show you, müqín.

She wiped the tears that were slowly falling on her cheeks. It was the time to fight. She was not going to hold back. She stormed out of the room with an angry face. Ai-Ting looked at her and noticed fire in her eyes.

"What is it that you want, Lien? I have no time to listen to your nonsense antics. Just go to your room now."

Fired up, Lien shouted. "I will go into my room whenever I wanted, so don't force me to go into my room."

Ai-Ting turned around, anger had risen. "What did you just say, young lady?"

"I said I won't go into my room, and won't ever follow your orders."

"Take back the word you said."

"Like hell I would. I told you I won't follow you. I had enough of it! You never give me a chance to do what I want. It was always Mei and Kiku who gets what they wanted. That's not fair!!"

Ai-Ting was about to shout, but Lien stopped her. "You always shout at me whenever I give my opinions, my feelings. Why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything bad! I tried my best so you can notice me! I wish I was just in Kiku's position!!"

Tears fell on her eyes and she rushes into her room, slamming the door as possible. She sobbed on her bed, punching the sheets whenever she wanted.

She finally wiped the tears on her face and started going to the closet. She grabbed a large bag and stuffed some clothes. She mumbled to herself. If I can't have any right to prove myself, guess I have to leave this place that had once been my home.

After packing up, Lien laid down on her bed and tried to take a short nap. As soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately carried out her suitcases and drove off the house. She got on the car and drove away as far as she could.


Her car suddenly stopped and she groaned. "Dang it! I'm out of gas!" She leaned her head on the driving wheel. "How can I ever get out of this place?" She lifted her head and saw a small house. Making sure that no one lives there, she got out of the car, pack her suitcases and entered the house.

The house was a bit cozy. It was obvious that only one person lives there. There was a couch placed at the far front of the tv. Two pillows were placed on the couch and the house looks clean, making it look like someone was living here. She put down the cases and started heading on the bathroom so she can take a nice shower.

She was sing-songing while enjoying herself on the shower. Just then, she heard a grunting sound, but just ignored it as her imagination.


She got out of the bathroom and screamed as she saw a man laying down on the couch. She immediately hurried on her dressing and covered herself in towel.

"What in the world are you doing here? Get out of my house!!"

The man on the couch yelled back. "Your house?! What makes you say that this is your house?! I'll let you know that you are trespassing on my house!"

Lien blushed a bit. "So, that means you are the one living here?" She blushed darker, in embarassment. "I'm so sorry if I entered without permission. I-I was just... I thought that no one lives here so I, you know, got in."

They remained silent until Lien spoke up. "If you want me to leave, I shall go." She walked away but was stopped by the man's hand. "I'll let you stay here whenever you wanted."

Lien lifted a smile on the man, who looks cute in his glasses. "Thank you so much!!! Oh, before forgot, my name is Lien Chung. It's a pleasure to meet you." She lend out a hand for the other to take.

"I'm Sunan Wattana. Nice meeting you too." He took Lien's hand and shook hand with her. They smiled at each other and remained like that for a few minutes.


Sorry for the shortness. :) i'll make a longer one next time.. ok, as you can see, Sunan Wattara was Thailand. And yea, I ship ThaiViet. If you don't like the pairing, I don't care.

So the next chapter will be Ai-Ting and the others looking for the missing Lien. And I decided that I should update 3 chapters in a day and that's it.



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