A New Friend

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Just as I was telling, two love triangles will be happening. Greece x Fem!Japan x America and Russia x Taiwan x Korea. I hope I can handle this. Hope you might enjoy this one.


< this one happened during the reception.

Kiku was lightly enjoying herself, watching the people go crazy and drunk. She just sat there and watched Alfred go crazy, singing slurred songs and everything. She was enjoying her peaceful moment when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see a guy with brown hair. He had a weird hair curl, but he looks cute and manly with those curls. Around him were cats crawling up and down, not wanting to leave the man's body.

"I'm Heracles. It's a very nice pleasure to meet you."

I didn't say that I wanted to be friends with you. Kiku thought to herself, but she just dismissed it and finally made some courage to introduce herself.

As soon as they knew each other, they already became good friends. Throughout the whole night, all they did was talk about anything, specifically cats, and seems like both sides are enjoying the whole conversation they were making.

The days had passed and their friendship had grown close. Alfred noticed this and started to get jealous. Kiku just kept on telling him that they were just friends and there was no any mutual feelings forming between the two of them, but Alfred still doubts about it.

One day, Heracles decided to take a visit to Kiku's house. He was surprised when Kiku's mother immediately went in contact with him. They would talk about things, and Kiku's memories, and everything. Heracles would release a giggle whenever Kiku's secret was revealed. Kiku would blush red and run from the conversation.

Alfred, who was used to enter to everyone's house, decided to walk into her house. Suddenly, he saw Heracles giggling with Ai-Ting, and he also saw Kiku blushing on the corner. Alfred was raged up, but he tried to hide it with an innocent smile.

"Yo, Heracles, dude! How have ya been doing? Lemme guess, you're doing fine!" Just get out of here and don't ever talk to her or else I'll beat the shit out of you!

"I really am doing fine, thank you very much." Don't pretend that you're not jealous. I'm sure that you're here because you wanted to see Kiku. Well, I'll have you know that she is mine, and she won't ever be yours.

"Oh, that's good to hear." Curse you and your floody cats, Heracles. Why the hell did you approach my Kiku during the reception? And who the fuck invited you?

Alfred decided to join into the conversation, but because of jealousy, he decided to go home and release his anger towards his room. I won't let that Greek steal Kiku away from me. I'll let him know that she had been mine first, and she will be mine forever.


It's been 4 months since Kiku and Heracles had been great friends, and every days that pass, Heracles would form deeper feelings towards the Japanese, and he couldn't control it any longer. So one day, he decided to confess.

"Sorry Heracles-san, but I am already reserved. I already loved Alfred-san, and I promised that I won't leave him with another."

That American fatass. "But, Kiku. I have been hiding these feelings I felt towards you. You can't just go reject me!"

"I understand you Heracles-san, but, I am reserved. I am not available for today. Maybe you can tell all of those words on another girl."

"I don't want any other girl, Kiku. I only wanted you." Kiku, please love me back. I won't hurt you, I promise.

"But, Heracles-san-" She was immediately cut off when Heracles presses his lips towards hers. She tried to grope away but Heracles was pulling her closer, and Kiku couldn't even scream for help. She doesn't know what to do so she decided to kiss back.

Just as she was about to kiss back, the kissing stopped. She opened her eyes only to see Alfred groping on Heracles' shirt. She felt hope when Alfred arrive.

"You can talk to her, but I tell you, you cannot steal a kiss from her." Finally, I can teach this naughty man a lesson.

Heracles twitched. "It's not like you own her. Don't you dare talk like that to me." Bring it on. If you want some fight, I'll give you fight.

~~~~~~~~~~~on Mei's side~~~~~~~~~~~

She had been speechless. She didn't know what to say. She can't even find a way on how to stop the two men fighting in front of her. Ivan and Yong Soo couldn't stop fighting, they almost took a bloody conflict. Ivan had his whole clothes stained with blood, so as his face and his pipe. Yong Soo, on the other hand, was on the floor, struggling to stand up. He had been friends with Mei, and at the same time, he had fallen in love with her.

Ivan smirked his usual scary smile, preparing for another attack against the Korean. "You already give up? Aww, HOW POOR OF YOU!!"

Yong Soo finally stood up, attacking the Russian. "I won't let you have Mei. She's mine!" With that, another bloody war happened, and Mei was crying hysterically. After all the hitting and punching, the two boys had lost consciousness. Mei immediately ran towards them and started to call for help.

~~~~~~~~~~~back to Kiku's view~~~~~~~~

Heracles was on the ground, already defeated. Alfred mercilessly beat Heracles with all of his strength, and Kiku can only cry on the corner, trying to stop everything. Suddenly, Alice went towards the fight and finally convinced Alfred to stop.

"Alfred, what the hell is wrong with you?! What are you doing!! You could've killed a person!" Alice called for help and after a few minutes, Heracles was carried away to the hospital. Alice slapped Alfred's face in anger.

"Young man, you are out of your mind. If that person died, it will be one of our problems. We will be easily caught up because of what you've done. You are grounded for 10 days, mister. And, I will make sure that Heracles will be staying in your room so you two will be making it up."

Alfred tried to protest, but he remained quiet. He looked at Kiku one more time before walking on his house. Kiku stayed speechless, she was nearly traumatized by everything that had happened.


Soooooooo~ for the next chapter, i will make it Mei-centric. That means, the whole chapter will be focused on Mei and the two boys. Kiku will be on the chapter too, but i won't focus on her more. Soooooo that's it.


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