The Woman Who Fell to Earth

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The words 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth' appeared on the screen drawing a groan from the Doctor and grins from her newest companions. They all knew that this would be the first time they met. The smiles were tinted with sadness, while they had met the Doctor, they had lost Grace.

Ryan is talking on his youtube channel about the greatest woman he ever met. He explains that he's 19 and a capable guy but can't ride a bike

"I can't ride a bike either and I am a lot older than 19, don't worry about it." Rory smiled at the younger boy who offered a shy smile in return.

"Don't worry Ryan, you'll get it soon." Graham smiled at his grandson who nodded back. He would get it. He was always improving. He would learn for his nan.

They're in Sheffield. Grace is encouraging Ryan to ride his bike to Graham, though she calls him Ryan's grandad

"Sorry Grandad. I shouldn't have been so rude to you." Ryan winced seeing himself on screen. He wasn't looking forward to seeing everything again.

"It's okay Ryan. I wasn't particularly nice to you half the time either." Graham offered a small smile. They really hadn't been on the best terms back then and everything they said seemed to only make it worse. They were a lot better now, he just wished sometimes that Grace was there to see it.

Ryan tries to cycle before falling off. Getting frustrated he throws it off the cliff

"So that's how it ended up in the tree, huh Ryan." Yaz shot Ryan a look who had the decency to look sheepish. He'd forgotten about that detail.

"That's a nice view. Where are you?" Mickey whistled, looking at the sunsetting over the valley on screen.

"Sheffield." Ryan answered.

"Sheffield, that's new. Normally all the chaos is in London." Martha laughed; one hand laced with her husband's settled between their laps.

Grace and Graham try to encourage Ryan but he's not taking it much

Ryan looked at the floor sadly, he missed her so much. He didn't want to see her die again but he wanted the chance to see her again, even if on the screen. The Doctor looked down at the floor, guilty that she hadn't been able to save Grace.

Graham and Grace leave for their train as Ryan goes to get his bike. He finds it in a tree but a glowing diamond appears, turns into a cube before he touches it and it whizzes away. He touches the left over thing before getting out his phone and calling the police unsure

There was a bit of laughter across the room. "I think that's a bit outside the police's area of expertise." Rory joked, smiling in understanding at Ryan who smiled back. It was nice to be around other people that understood. Yaz grinned, she was glad that Ryan had called the police, if he hadn't, she might have not met the Doctor.

Yaz appears, a young probationary police officer, interrupting a pair of ladies arguing over car parking

"You're a police officer?" Bill asked curiously.

"I'm still a probationer but hopefully I will be soon." Yaz nodded back.

The Doctor was grinning wildly at Amy. "Maybe you should get some advice from Amy, Yaz."

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