Spyfall Part 2

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Hello everyone

Thanks again for all the support, I really love hearing all your comments

As normal, next part will be up next weekend - we're getting close I promise

Thanks for everything


No one spoke as they waited for the next episode to start, screen still displaying the words 'Spyfall Part 2', all on edge with the mess of what was going on. They had the current companions in a crashing plane, the Doctor alone in an alien realm and the Master planning to take over the world and refusing to share secrets. They all wanted to know what happened, even the fam, as they weren't sure what had gone done between the Master and Doctor which had made her so upset.

The Doctor is in the alien realm talking to herself, and telling herself not to panic. Flash to Graham, Ryan and Yaz on the plane trying to hold on as it crashes. Ryan spots a small plaque with his name on a seat

"I'm not sure if I wanted to know that or not." Ryan looked confused, they all kind of knew that she wasn't always as calm as she pretended but still it was nice to think that one of them stayed calm and reasonable.

Most of the other people in the room were occupied by the plaque, hoping that it would save the current companions from the unfortunate situation the were in.

DOCTOR: Always a good reminder when you're alone, in the unknown, all hope lost.

The companions just all looked at the Doctor who was determinedly watching herself on screen, pretending to analyse the alien surroundings. She really wasn't happy with what everyone was about to see, and they were getting closer and closer to the reveal of her 'true heritage'. She was terrified and furious and almost every ugly emotion in-between, she didn't know how everyone would react and she wasn't excited to find out. But it's not like she had much choice.

Ryan follows a series of small plaques and arrows in the plane. Back in the alien realm the Doctor tries the sonic which doesn't work, before a bolt of energy zips past her. She continues talking to herself about what is going on and how she hopes she's not in a liver again

That drew her some strange looks. "How many times have you been in someone's liver to know that?" Rose asked exasperated.

The Doctor shuddered slightly. "Too many." Everyone looked at her bemused but decided not to question it further, it was the Doctor – she was a professional at getting herself into weird situations.

Someone new arrives in the alien realm - Ada. On the plane, Ryan keeps following plaques - in 4c's seat pocket there is paper entitled How to Land a Plane Without a Cockpit. Ryan calls out to the others

"Okay that's far too convenient." Amy declared before turning to the Doctor. "How did you manage that?"

"I have a time machine remember?" The Doctor grinned, ignoring the complaints of her three current companions (who definitely remember how she almost forgot about the plane). She just offered them another grin which they just rolled their eyes at.

In the alien realm, Ada (a young woman wearing early 19th century clothes) reassures 13 that their situation will pass soon

"Who is that?" Donna exclaimed, exasperated and frustrated with all the secrets. Everyone else also looked confused, they didn't exactly expect to find someone else in the weird alien realm, let alone someone dressed like they were from the 19th century.

The Doctor smiled, with just a hint of sadness. "You'll find out." Donna just sighed dramatically at that announcement. The Master just raised an eyebrow at the Doctor who grinned smugly at him, he knew perfectly well who her latest human friend was and she may have only been around a short time but she was very annoying.

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