The Witch's Familiar

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Hello everyone!

Here's the next chapter finally! The Witch's Familiar in all its glory, hopefully. Hope you enjoy it!

Now, the big question is what episode do you want next? I want a one off episode before I do my next plan (which for the record is: The Waters of Mars followed by the End of Time arc, which is going to destroy me honestly, but you want it, so ...). I was thinking maybe Partners in Crime? But it's your choice ultimately. I'll pick one soon-ish though as I have a long train journey next weekend that I might get some work done on.

Anyway, as always let me know what episodes you want me to do and what you think of this episode and story as a whole, I love reading your comments!

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!


The group watched as the screen immediately turned black and the next title appeared, 'The Witch's Familiar, a few people raised eyebrows at the title but no one spoke up. They didn't want to delay the video starting and therefore getting answers for what was going on and how Clara and Eyebrows were going to escape Davros. The video started.

[Planet surface]

(Clara is hanging upside down with a rope around her ankles, spinning. Missy is sharpening a stick with a knife.)

The group let out an audible breath at seeing Clara safe and not-dead; although they did raise several eyebrows at the situation she was in. Even the Doctor was looking at Clara confused; she certainly didn't remember being told the details of Missy and Clara's little adventure on Skaro.

MISSY: Consider the Doctor. The Doctor, trapped. The Doctor, alone. You all right there, dear?

"Of course, it's Missy." Bill muttered with a sigh. Really, they shouldn't have been confused by Clara's situation when Missy was around. The Master just grinned smugly while the Doctor sighed, things were only going to go downhill from here.

CLARA: Where are we? How did we ?

Clara winced at the reminder of the ending of the last video and the actual events the first time around. She knew now what had happened but it wasn't fun to think back on, or to think about what was still to come. The Doctor caught her wince and gave her a commiserating smile, which she returned – neither of them were looking forward to the rest of this mess.

MISSY: Shh, now. Mummy's talking. Okay, I'm going to tell you a story of the Doctor. It's classic. On the run, no Tardis. No friends, no help. In other words, the Doctor, happy. It was a long time ago.
(As she tells her tale, we get a brief black and white glimpse of a figure in a long scarf ducking behind a stone column.)

"Doesn't that happen every other week or so?" River snorted, raising a pointed eyebrow at the Master who only glared back. The Doctor eyed the pair nervously; they would be horrible working together but she was also scared to get between the two if they started fighting.

The Master waved his hand, "This is a specific time." He was pretending to be nonchalant, enjoying the chance to prove River wrong and remind the group that he knew the Doctor a long time before them.

MISSY: Doesn't matter which face he was wearing, they're all the Doctor to me. So let's give it to the eyebrows.
(The hero of her story is now the current Doctor.)

The group was watching the scene confused by the little cut scenes and story in general. The Doctor just sighed deeply, used to Missy's antics but still frustrated. She wasn't looking forward to the events of the video, knowing her mind state hadn't been great due to her believed grief over Clara and Missy's 'deaths' and she really wasn't wanting to deal with their antics and arguing.

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