Revolution of the Daleks

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Hello everyone!

Here is finally the next chapter! Revolution of the Daleks.

I know some of you are excited for this one, so I hope it lives up to the hype. Sorry, its a bit late life has been crazy and I am juggling a lot of responsibilities but I will do my best to keep writing when I have free time.

As for the next chapter I am planning a two parter; likely the Zygon invasion, Pandorica two-parter, Stolen Earth or Dark Water. Let me know what one you want!

Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think!



The screen went black as the next video title was promptly displayed for the waiting group.

"Revolution of the Daleks." Martha read out, then sighed as it registered. "Two Dalek videos in a row, really?"

"Question is, who has to suffer this one?" Amy commiserated.

Rose shrugged, "Title is pretty ambiguous, could be anyone." She waved at the screen, "Guess we have to watch the start of the video to work that out."

As if on que, the video started.

A long time ago... (2019) far, far away... (Cheltenham)

[Government Communications Headquarters]

(A Dalek descends through a hole it has blown in the roof.- see Resolution)
DALEK: Exterminate! The Doctor must be destroyed!
(The Tardis and her crew are there.)

Ryan groaned, immediately recognising themselves and their old adventures with the Daleks.

"So, it's us." Yaz announced to confirm the rest of the group's thoughts. "Still doesn't answer which time." They'd had several misadventures with Daleks, many of which could be featured and this wasn't looking familiar yet.

DOCTOR: Earth is protected by me and my mates, this year and every other. Here we go!
(She sonicks off the forcefield and runs to our left while the others go right.)
DALEK: Exterminate!
(She slides up behind the Dalek.)

"Oh right, this was that mess with the Daleks." Graham recalled, waving a finger at the screen. "Erh, 2019 New Years, right."

The Doctor nodded along, "Sounds about right."

Bill glanced between the four, "But this is like a summary right, so it's not the focus of this video?"

The four shared a knowing look, Yaz speaking up for them. "Don't think so, but this isn't looking familiar. Maybe it's something that hasn't happened for us, yet?

"Great. Just great." Rory sighed, that really didn't sound promising. Any mess involving the Daleks usually wasn't, but if none of them had any idea of what was going to happen, they wouldn't know how it would end.

DOCTOR: Now attach the parts.
DALEK: Weapon failure.
YASMIN: The parts are on, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Get clear!
(The Dalek melts and explodes.)

"Two Dalek explosions in two videos." Nardole summarised.

367 minutes later

[Loading bay]

(The remains of the Dalek are being taken away.)

"Why do I get a bad feeling about people being left to deal with the Dalek remains?" Clara sighed, rubbing her forehead with her hand. She could already feel the headache building.

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