World Enough and Time

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Hello everyone!

I'm back (finally lol). Sorry, life is just hectic.

In apology, here's a very popular request - World Enough and Time! Are you ready for the angst?

I'm hoping to have the second part (the Doctor Falls) up within the next couple of weeks, so that I have time to do a Christmas episode.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Let me know what you think (comments motivate me to update faster)

Thank you for reading!


The group woke up slowly the next morning, enjoying the peace and quiet before returning to what had become the new normal of watching emotionally charged videos featuring their past adventures. Most of the group was sitting in the kitchen/dining area enjoying some breakfast or a cup of tea/coffee, but a few members of the group were still missing.

The Master hadn't emerged from his room yet, but that was to be expected. He'd appear when the next video was ready to start.

The Doctor's absence was more noticeable after her swift departure the day before. Which was why Rose was lurking in the corridor, waiting for an unexpecting Doctor to appear. She'd been standing around (admittedly rather impatiently) for at least fifteen minutes at the point and she was starting to get rather bored of it. Distantly she saw Martha down the corridor heading her way, before Jack interrupted her movement and pulled her aside, she faintly wondered what was going on there when the Doctor's door finally opened.

The Doctor poked her head out, saw Rose who had whipped around to face the door as soon as she heard it open, and then tried to shut the door again.

Rose was quicker.

She put her foot in the door to stop it being closed, and crossed her arms, "You're not getting out of this that easily Doctor."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The Doctor tried to claim ignorance, the door still mostly closed with only Rose's foot keeping it open.

Rose just sighed in response. "Can I come in Doctor?"

There was silence for a moment so she continued, "It's that or we do this in the corridor where everyone can hear it."

Funnily enough the door was opened slowly after that comment. The Doctor gave her a sheepish grin as she beckoned her in, glancing down the corridor to see if anyone had spotted the pair before closing the door behind them.

Rose took a moment to appreciate the Doctor's room, she'd never seen their room in the Tardis (no one had, at least that she knew of, it was the Doctor's only private space) but she imagined this was what it would look like.

There was a dark oak bed against the back wall, a desk was to the side with papers strewn everywhere. The ceiling was dark with painted stars across it. There was a Tardis blue rug in the middle of the room, and a cupboard with the doors wide open, clothes and various hats and accessories strewn across the surrounding area.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to the matter at hand. She followed the Doctor to the final feature of the room, a pair of lush armchairs facing across from each other. The Doctor was already settled in one as Rose joined her, trying to decide how to go about the conversation they needed to have.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" The Doctor continued to play the ignorant card.

Rose just raised her eyebrow, "I think you know Doctor."

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