Part 2

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When the stream ended Dream began to zone out. They weren't sure why, but they began to think of the other things they hadn't told their friends. Since they had said their pronouns Dream's phone had been going off like crazy. Closing their eyes, they thought of how far they'd come with their Prosopagnosia.

At ten Dream began to get coached in how to recognize attributes of people. They would have moments during panic or anxiety attacks where they couldn't recognize anyone no matter what, but they got better.

By sixteen, Dream could make a detailed list of ways to remember certain people. They would take notes of hair, voice, colors, and freckles/scars. Their family even sometimes forgot they had Prosopagnosia.

When Dream discovered their gender identity, they had their biggest breakdown in a while. They couldn't recognize their seven-year-old sister at first. When Dream had calmed down, they apologized profusely to the little girl, as they chose to cuddle up and watch cheesy movies. Dream remembered the aftermath quite fondly.

Dream would look sometimes look back at his ten-year-old self and laugh. Compared to where they came to, the beginning became laughable to them.

Dream could still remember the reports after the crash from the doctor, "Your son", had always been the start (they now scoffed at the term).

"Your son appears to have gained damage in the right fusiform gyrus. We believe this happened due to his concussion. His left arm seems to be healing well from the break, and his fractured ankle seems to have almost completely healed. It will take a while for your son to fully heal, but he should have almost a complete recovery outside of the partial brain damage."

They were right though in the end. Dream still had a few scars and Prosopagnosia, but they had otherwise completely healed.

Dream lay down in bed, reflecting on the process, when their little sister, Drista, was born they had just completed a month of physio. They got the chance with their mother's help to be the first person (besides their mother) to hold little Drista. They began working harder in physio to be able to get to hold Drista more because she became their rock in the following years. Drista was sixteen now, and Dream would still talk to her daily. Dream had recently been able to begin coaching Drista in driving and Dream found that hilarious. Their mom would coach Drista on most drives, but when Dream would visit every month or so, they would instantly be put in charge to oversee lessons.

With a smile Dream sat up in bed, grabbing their phone from beside them. Dream opened their phone and with a sigh chose to answer both his fans and friends in one Twitter post. Opening the app, Dream clicked the button the make a new post.


'People have recently been messaging me to ask why I did not sooner tell anyone that I was non-binary and used they/them pronouns. To explain it simply, no one ever asked, and I did not care in the end the pronouns used for me.'

Dream posted the message and turned off their phone. They sent a quick message to Drista and got up to begin making food. Leaving to phone to vibrate away whilst charging on their desk.

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