Part 21

707 45 9

Slight CW for scrapes and mentions of blood

The weekend went by quickly for Dream's family, soon Monday came and it was time to head back home (I'm ignoring school exists now). Tommy's attitude had perked up with Drista and Patches constantly waking him up in the morning and enforcing self-care. Dream's own self-confidence improved with how normally their brother-son-whatever-Tommy-was treated them. Drista introduced Tommy to multiple interests and passions, especially when Mama Dream banned technology usage outside of playing music when no one left their rooms the first morning.

On their drive back to their home Tommy and Dream stopped by a pharmacy. They had gone for a simple pit spot at the neighboring convenience store when Tommy had tripped skinning his knee, elbows, and hand. They picked up Neosporin and Band-Aids, however, they got distracted when Tommy found the hair dye. Since coming to Florida Tommy's hair had grown significantly as had Dream's as covid left them uninterested in visiting a hairdresser.

Tommy had wandered off to the hair dye section from where Dream had been gathering their first aid supplies two aisles over. He began walking up and down the aisle entranced by all the different colors and brands. How hair dyes were made for dark hair tones or pastels sat on models' defined faces. however, one color stood out particularly. It had been Tommy's father's favorite color and knew Patches had some of her favorite catnip toys in a similar color. The burgundy hair dye sat near the left end of the aisle hidden amongst black and brown hair dyes. Tommy picked up the box rolling it over in his hands as he read the different sides. He wondered if Dream would let him get it

Dream came into the aisle not even five minutes later looking for Tommy who was still staring at the burgundy hair dye box, his scrapes practically dried having faced open-air so long. They softly smiled as they pulled the box from the boy's hands.

"How about I get you this and we can also add a streak of burgundy to my hair too." Dream started, gently ruffling the boy's hair.

"Okay, Rem" Tommy stated smiling brightly at the slightly taller man. Dream then guided Tommy to the cash register where their order was paid for.

When they got back out to the car Dream had made Tommy sit on the ledge to the passenger side door. As his hands, elbows, and knees were cleaned and bandaged. Now that the bloodied skin was covered, they were off again.

It took approximately an hour to finally get home. The time unpacking felt like ages before it became time for the hair dye.

They chose simple dye styles. Dream did along thicker stripe down the right side of their face. Tommy, however, chose to do a thinner stripe in his bangs mixed with his blond curls.

"We really are like siblings now Dream"

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