Part 9

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The following week showed many new chaotic adventures with the three young teens living in Dream's apartment. On the last planned day of their adventure, Dream got a call at breakfast from Tommy's mother.

"Hi Dream, something is happening back home, and I don't want to expose Tommy to it," shouting was heard behind her, "is it okay till this small issue is dealt with he stays with you?"

"Of course, Ma'am, but if it is okay to ask what happened?" Dream asked getting up from their seat at the table with the three teenagers.

"Oh, that's fine, Tommy's father has always been slightly ill. Not long after Tommy left, he began getting worse and he was admitted to the hospital late last night. His parents and brother all came without warning earlier this morning, and tensions are running high here." The mother tried to sound cheerful, but Tommy could hear her stress.

"Okay Mrs. Simmons, if you need anything at all don't be afraid to call, whether you need somewhere to stay or you need someone to talk to." Dream said politely as she thanked them and hung up.

Dream walked back into the other room, and they silently took a seat as their three siblings followed with their eyes.

"Toms, you're going to stay here longer than expected, your dad had to go to the hospital last night and it sounds like your Uncle and grandparents are causing a bit of trouble." Dream said making sure to keep eye contact with the usually loud boy. Their brother nodded biting the inside of his cheek and staring at the table.

Dream watched their distressed younger brother before making a crucial choice.

"We're gonna stay here today and curl up with movies, hot chocolate, candy and popcorn. We are gonna curl up under some blankets and not worry about streaming or anything else." Dream told the group ushering them to the living room. Dream situated themself on the crowded couch between the end and Tommy. They threw a blanket over their youngest bother letting him curl into their side. Drista and Tubbo squeezed in next to the duo bundling themselves up as Dream opened Netflix.

"Can we watch criminal minds?" Drista asked from the couch's other end. Dream looked at Tommy and Tubbo who both nodded. Dream chose the show and opened the first episode of season 1.

The four sat on the couch cuddled up together amongst blankets and later patches. They rarely left besides to get snacks and use the bathroom. They ignored when their phones buzzed solely focusing on the show they were watching long through the day, evening, and part of the night.

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