Part 22

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Dream sat alone in their bedroom that evening. It was quiet in their room even though they could hear people outside. They couldn't deal with it. The black uniform they had been put in for the ceremony sat bundled on the floor while he curled up in the oversized, olive-green, button-down shirt they had stolen. They could still smell his scent when they brought the sleeve to their nose.

The cologne he had worn that day that Dream received their last hug also sat on the nearby desk. They never knew how to describe the scent, but they always knew that it smelt good and comforting.

They shifted silently as a shadow passed in front of their doorway, blocking the only lighting in the dark room. As they tightened their knees to their chest.

"Hon," their mom knocked at the door, "do you want to say goodbye?"

He couldn't, he didn't want to. That would mean it was all over.



Why was their mom calling them that? They didn't go by the till later.

"'Ream wake up!"

Dream chocked on air curling in on themself. They could only pant and choke on air as their body felt sticky and wet.

"You okay? 'Ream?" a soft voice spoke from behind him, and a finger softly poked their shoulder. He leapt slightly as they flung themself around to stare at Tommy with wild eyes.

"I'll be fine Hon," Dream whispered, pulling the young boy to his body. Fine. They will be fine. Tommy was okay, they missed him, but at least his little brother was okay.

"Okay," Tommy whispered leaning into Dream's chest. He was okay, Dream would be okay too.

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