Part 10

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The next morning the small group of siblings dropped their Tubbo off at the airport. Tight hugs and small tears joined the group. When they got back home to Dream's place, they were met by Dream's mother waiting to take Drista back home. Once Tommy and Dream were back inside Tommy flopped on the coach opening Twitter before letting out a loud swear, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. Dream glanced to their Brother's screen to see the News title.

'By end of the week, all international travel banned due to COVID increase'

They cursed under their breath pulling out their phone to call Mrs. Simmons. Seems they had plans to figure out.

Mrs. Simmons picked up on the second ring of the phone.

"Hello Dream, my brother, and parents-in-law are currently at the hospital, how can I help?"

She said, and Dream could practically hear the small smile on her face.

"Hello ma'am, I'm calling because it was recently announced that COVID is picking up, international travel will be banned by the end of the week. I wanted to know if Tommy should stay here with me or if I should send him home."

"Oh, dear... He'll probably have to stay with you... He truly does not get along with his grandparents and Uncle, and they will quite probably quarantine here. His father is getting worse."

Dream sighs bowing their head, they said their goodbyes. Dream had work to do.

Tommy wanted people to believe he was home in England, he felt uncomfortable saying he was stuck in America.

Dream knew they would need to apply for Tommy to at least have a Visa if not dual citizenship.

After research the rest of the day and calls with Mrs. Simmons late in the night while emails were sent to Dream's lawyer a decision was reached. Dream would legally become Tommy's guardian. This decision was due to Tommy's father being too ill to take care of him, and his mother was willingly giving custody with proper terms met. Tommy would have online school in America, and the ability to talk to his parents and have constant contact.

Tommy was brought into the conversation that late evening, the boy cried but accepted he would be better off with Dream right now than back home. Many tears were shed that night as the plans for the next few months would be.

Dream told Tommy that they would enroll him in online at the end of the Winter break to get him legally set up first.

Dream held the boy tight that night as Tommy cried himself to sleep. Dream curled up with his new charge that night knowing their holidays and future were going to be stressful. Dream craved to comfort their little brother whose whole life was changing before his own eyes.

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