chapter 2

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y/n's pov:

    it's been about 2 ish hours of walking down the highway, surprisingly it's pretty empty besides a few cars here and there.  of course with my luck all of them had no gas left or no keys (my dumbass can't hotwire a car sadly). after another thirty-ish minutes of open road, i finally reached the city. i had never been to florida so i had no clue where anything was, but i did now i needed supplies. assorted bags of chips wouldn't keep me going for much longer, nor would only my fists as my weapon work. i wandered aimlessly for a little while before stumbling across a "bass pro shop". to me it looked pretty much untouched, the majority of the camping supplies were still in tacked and some hunting knives and other weapons were still there too. thankfully there were no "infected" or other people. just a few rotting corpses scatted across the store, with the all to familiar stench accompanying them. i knew i couldn't carry to much supplies on me so i grabbed the bare minimum  before leaving, two hunting knives, a hand gun, bullets, two first aid kits and a tactical shovel. yes, i know this probably isn't the bare minimum but i tried. walking down the streets i only saw a few zombies, that's what they were right zombies? well that's what im calling them. so far i had only had one close call, but it was kind of my fault. i wasn't paying attention and i tripped on a pebble (lame i know) and a zombie tried attacking me. luckily i was able to get back up in time and run away. i basically ran until i could hear nothing but he breeze and my footsteps. i assumed i was in some sort of shopping area, they're were a few clothing stores, a ulta beauty and a target!? "fuck yeah!" i said in celebration, it was nice to have one little victory. i made sure to be extra carefully of zombies being in such a big store, i went down the canned food isle and a couple others before deciding to leave the store. but before i could i saw something move from the corner of my eye. stupidly i let my curiosity get in the way of my better judgement. i kept thinking to myself "if you die right now it's your own fault dumbass" .  it was just me and my own thoughts until a familiar voice broke through. "y/n?".

tommy's pov:

*timeskip to about an hour before y/n got to target*

i was now lost and alone. i didn't know if any of my friends were alive, i didn't know where tubbo and wilbur went. "why did i have to be such a pussy! i could have just not bolted at the sight of zombies, maybe then i wouldn't be alone in the literal end of the world."  but hey i can handle myself right? im not a child,  i've just got to find somewhere to get supplies. i walked around for another 20 minutes before seeing a big red circle logo. "target? is that a gun store? it better be!"  (quick a/n i have no clue if there are targets in the uk just pretend they're aren't) as i began to pick up my speed i heard a familiar noise and definitely not the comforting type. "this is just my luck" i said aloud while turning on my heel to look at the undead creature behind me. while spinning around i must've tripped my self on something because i landed flat on my ass, unable to move. the zombie took this as it's chance to lunge at me. thankfully i snapped back to reality in time to kick it away from me, and attempt to get back on my feet. notice i say attempt. i kicked the zombie back and it collapsed, as i tried getting up something sliced my leg. i didn't notice the pain until i finally stood up. i had landed on a broken glass bottle which had made a pretty big gash in my leg. not to mention the slivers of glass in my hands. i had absolutely nothing to treat the wound with, "the target! there's got to be supplies in there!" i thought to myself while hoping the adrenaline would last long enough for me to get there. thankfully i got inside, but after i few steps i fell down due to the searing pain in my left leg. i was stuck lying helpless on the ground. until i saw something move, out instinct i skootched farther away. but the figure noticed me and started walking closer, until i recognized who it was. "y/n?" i said aloud looking at they're starched up face. 

a/n: hello everyone!!! thank you so so so much for 7 views and two votes! it means so so so much to me! im sorry about how long it too me to get this chapter out. i procrastinate to much lmao. hope you enjoyed though! i will try to have the next chapter out soon (a couple days probably) 

word count: 873!!! a new record :)

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